How to use regrid fucntion

Ranyere Nobrega rnobrega at PV.SIVAM.GOV.BR
Thu Apr 12 09:44:42 EDT 2007

My name is Ranyére Nóbrega. I´m a meteorologist of SIPAM (BRAZIL).
I am with a doubt and  believe that somebody can help me. Using
Reanalysis (NCEP/NCAR) , but gaussian x latlon  has grids
incompatibility  and searching  found information on the REGRID,
however, I do not know where and can acquire this function. It would be
possible you to help me? And as to install and to use?

Ranyére Silva Nóbrega
Analista Intelectual - Divisão de Meteorologia e Climatologia - SIPAM
Doutorando em Meteorologia pela UFCG/DCA - Pesquisador CT-HIDRO/CNPq
Centro Técnico e Operacional de Porto Velho
Av. Lauro Sodré, 6500 - Aeroporto
Porto Velho - RO - CEP: 78.903-711
Fone: (69)3217-6291
email: ranyere.nobrega at
SIPAM - Protegendo e Promovendo o Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Nossoa Amazônia!

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