About the tutorial

Alfredo Carlos Barretto acbarrettomdp at GMAIL.COM
Wed Apr 4 12:37:01 EDT 2007

         I'm learning about the use of Grads. I downloaded the win32e
version and then I started to use the tutorial. In this tutorial there are
three files to download: model.ctl; model.grb; model.gmp. When I tried to
open the model.ctl file I couldn't. The program sent me this message:

Landscape mode? (no for portrait):
GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5
<settings/juan pablo/escritorio/docuementos de grads/a
Scanning description file: c:
Open Error: missing XDEF record
Open Error: missing YDEF record
Open Error: missing ZDEF record
Open Error: missing TDEF record
Open Error: missing UNDEF record
Open Error: missing DSET record
Open Error: missing VARS record
The data file was not opened.

I'd like to open this file to continue learning about the use of grads. How
can I do it??
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