
dongdong happydong365 at YAHOO.COM.CN
Wed Dec 6 01:20:59 EST 2006

Hi friends,
To ascertain correct using of "fwrite", I write out the defined variable and reopen it in grads. unfortunatly they are not consistent. I attached the GS file and CTL files. Can you help me finding the problem?

The defined  variables are vertical integrated waterflux.
form.vint.WaterFlux.gs    define waterflux and write them out
fuq.vint.ctl                      control file of the fwrite file
grads_process.txt           commands I issued in grads

I also attached the two different figures.
define.fuq.gif                   horizontal water flux which I drawed after defining it
fwirte.fuq.gif                    horizontal water flux but form fwite file

Thanks in advance.


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