writing GRIB

Eric DeWeaver deweaver at AOS.WISC.EDU
Wed Oct 19 17:05:05 EDT 2005

Hi Tom,

If you haven't already, maybe you should take a look at the
documentation for lats4d.gs, available in the grads scripting libraries.
There's an option -format grib, which apparently tells lats4d to write out
a grib file.  I've never tried this, and I may be misunderstanding
what I'm reading, but it could be worth a look.

Good luck,


On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, Burns Tom wrote:

> Yes. I did read your responses and they were interesting, but in my
> situation I have to have the files written in GRIB format. Writing out the
> GrADS binary format is not sufficient.
> Is it possible to write out a grib file in GrADS in the manner I originally
> described?
> -Tom

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