Alemu Tadesse alemu_t at YAHOO.COM
Wed Oct 12 15:39:15 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I am looking for a discussion group or people working in the area of Mesoscale convective systems and African Easterly Waves for sharing ideas. I would appreciate if I can get a chance to talk to those of you who are interested in this area or if you know someone or group in the filed let me know.



Mr Aaron Pratt <aspratt2000 at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I have a question about setting up a loop. I want to
generate a 24 hour accumulated precipitation total
forecast from the WRF model. For example, if I had a
36 hour forecast starting at 00Z August 12, I want to
look at the last 24 hours of that forecast (12Z August
22 - 12Z August 23).

I know that my loop should increment with the forecast
interval (every 3 hours). Also, I know that, within
this loop precipitation needs to be summed up. I've
forgotten exactly how to set up such a loop. Thanks in
advance for any help that anyone might be able to


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


Alemu Tadesse
110 Hebron

"The search for truth and knowledge is one of the finest attributes of a man, though often it is most loudly voiced by those who strive for it the least." Albert Einstein

"Test eveything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil. ''
(1 Thess. 5:21-22) "

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