moisture convergence

José Paulo Bonatti bonatti at CPTEC.INPE.BR
Mon Nov 14 08:46:15 EST 2005

I suppose you have zonal wind (u), meridional wind (v) and specific
humidity (q) data.
Then you can do:

display -hdivg(u*q,v*q)

get a polt of moisture convegence. The minus signal is to get
convergence positive.


Satyaban BishoyiRatna wrote:

> Dear Grads-user
>     I would like to calculate the moisture convergence by GrADS.
> Please provide me script for this.
> Thanking you.
> with best regards
> Satyaban
> <>

                     Jose Paulo Bonatti
           Dr. em Meteorologia - Pesquisador Titular
        Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
    Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos - CPTEC
          Divisao de Modelagem e Desenvolvimento - DMD
              Rodovia Presidente Dutra, km 40 SPRJ
           12630-000 Cachoeira Paulista - SP - Brasil
       Tel: (+55) (12) 3186.8421  Fax: (+55) (12) 3101.2835

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