Beginning on GDS

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Wed Mar 9 09:36:38 EST 2005

Tony --
The dimensions of your grid (as seen in the ncdump output) are the
         depth = 8 ;
         latitude = 129 ;
         longitude = 341 ;

But in your descriptor file, you've got:
XDEF 340 LINEAR -6 0.125
YDEF 128 LINEAR          30 0.125
ZDEF     8 LEVELS  5 30 50 100 200 500 1000 2000

The sizes of the dimensions must match exactly. Change your XDEF to 341
and your YDEF to 129. Also, your variable declarations in your
descriptor file are incorrect. The units field (e.g. "x,y,z,t") must
describe the 'shape' of the variable as given in ncdump -- the order of
the dimensions must match exactly. For example, in the ncdump output,
the variable "u" varies in depth, latitude, and longitude, whereas the
variable "emp" only varies in 2 dimensions:
         float u(depth, latitude, longitude) ;
         float emp(latitude, longitude) ;
These should translate to a variable declarations like this (note the
2nd field repeats the number of zlevs):
         u       8  z,y,x  zonal velocity [m/s]
         emp  0  y,x     water flux [Kg/m2/s]
None of the variables in your file are time-dependent, so don't include
"t" in your variable declaraion.

These changes should fix your problems.


On Mar 9, 2005, at 8:43 AM, Tony Jolibois wrote:

> <config_gds.tar>
Jennifer Miletta Adams
4041 Powder Mill Rd., Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705

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