Fcst Meteograms from GRIB w/ GrADS

Rob Doornbos rob.doornbos at WNI.COM
Wed Jul 20 13:44:21 EDT 2005

Good Afternoon -


Many questions, but I'll keep it brief by way of introduction.  My goal
is to produce meteograms for any U.S. city from any model source.  Based
on what I've learned, GrADS is a viable option for this.  I do not,
however, want to use a DODS-enabled version as I have all of the GRIB
information I need locally.


The main problem I'm having at this point is how to deal w/ multiple
GRIB files w/in a given GrADS session.  I have opened three
simultaneously, but graphic generation is only successful for the file
in slot 1...others result in blank U.S. map w/ "Entire Grid Undefined"
emblazoned across it (even after doing 'set dfile 3', e.g.).


I would greatly appreciate any tips/insight you're willing to share.


Thx & Rgds,



Rob Doornbos

Dir., Strategic Tech. &

    Data Services

Weathernews Americas


Direct: (405) 310-2852

Mobile: (405) 642-9796

robd at wni.com <mailto:robd at wni.com> 


www.weathernews.com <http://www.weathernews.com> 



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