suppress "Constant field. Value = 0" statement

Dave Allured dave.allured at NOAA.GOV
Fri Dec 16 20:13:08 EST 2005

This has been discussed several times before.  Try "set datawarn off".
If your results are not satisfactory, then check the GradsUsr archives
for more details and some workarounds:

Year   Subject
----   ------------------------------------------
2004   Display constant field without blanking
2005   FW: one contour level
2005   remove "Constant field. Value ="

To control color with a restricted data range, use set clevs and set
ccols for complete control over contour levels and color assignment.  HTH.

--Dave A.

David Westberg wrote:

>How can I suppress GrADS from writing "Constant field. Value = 0" on my
>display window?  And how can I control the color used by GrADS with a
>constant field = 0?
>I'm trying a shaded contour of land, where land = 1 if land and land = 0
>if water.  I represent land = 1 the color tan and land = 0 the color
>aqua.  This works fine when just land or land and water are displayed,
>but fails when there is just water.  When just water, the color red is
>displayed with the "Constant field. Value = 0" statement.
>I'm contouring the NOAA/CDC NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis file.
>My script commands follow:
>'set gxout shaded'
>'set rgb 17 225 225 180'
>'set rgb 18 200 255 255'
>'set cint 1'
>'set clevs 0 1'
>'set ccols 18 17'
>'d land'
>David :)

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