suppress "Constant field. Value = 0" statement

David Westberg d.j.westberg at LARC.NASA.GOV
Fri Dec 16 18:16:06 EST 2005

How can I suppress GrADS from writing "Constant field. Value = 0" on my
display window?  And how can I control the color used by GrADS with a
constant field = 0?

I'm trying a shaded contour of land, where land = 1 if land and land = 0
if water.  I represent land = 1 the color tan and land = 0 the color
aqua.  This works fine when just land or land and water are displayed,
but fails when there is just water.  When just water, the color red is
displayed with the "Constant field. Value = 0" statement.

I'm contouring the NOAA/CDC NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis file.
My script commands follow:
'set gxout shaded'
'set rgb 17 225 225 180'
'set rgb 18 200 255 255'
'set cint 1'
'set clevs 0 1'
'set ccols 18 17'
'd land'

David :)
David J. Westberg
Atmospheric Scientist          Email: d.j.westberg at
SAIC                                  david.j.westberg at
 One Enterprise Parkway        Phone: +1 (757) 827-4505
 Suite 300                     Fax:   +1 (757) 825-4968
 Hampton, VA 23666             Mail Stop 927
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