horizontal grid line in a particular latitude

Mary Jo Nath Mary-Jo.Nath at NOAA.GOV
Mon Dec 5 10:30:04 EST 2005


Assuming your plot is from TIME1 to TIME2 on the X-axis and from 15N to 20N on the Y-axis,
then you could do something like this in a script:

*          Find the x & y location of the left end of the line at TIME1 and 17.5N
'q w2xy 'TIME1' 17.5'
xleft= subwrd(result,3)
yleft = subwrd(result,6)

*          Find the x & y location of the right end of the line at TIME2 and 17.5N
'q w2xy 'TIME2' 17.5'
xright= subwrd(result,3)
yright= subwrd(result,6)

*          set desired line attributes
'set line 1 1 5'

*          draw line from TIME1 to TIME2 at 17.5 N
'draw line 'xleft' 'yleft' 'xright' 'yright

(Note: TIME1 and TIME2 would be in a form like "00Z01JUN1948" -- or whatever form they appear
when you do a "q dims" should work.)

Mary Jo

On Saturday 03 December 2005 00:36, Satyaban BishoyiRatna wrote:
>>  Dear Grads-user
>>      I have ploted a time-latitude cross-section of vorticity.Here x-axis
>> with time and y-axis with latitude.The latitude value varies from 15 N to
>> 20 N. But I would like to draw a horizontal line in a desired latitude(say
>> at 17.5).Please give me sugession to do this job. Thanking you.
>>  with best regards
>>  Satyaban
>>  <P>
>>  &nbsp; <BR>
>>  Dear Grads-user<BR>
>>  &nbsp; &nbsp; I have ploted a time-latitude cross-section of
>> vorticity.Here x-axis with time and y-axis with latitude.The latitude
>> value varies from 15 N to 20 N. But I would like to draw a horizontal line
>> in a desired latitude(say at 17.5).Please give me sugession to do this
>> job.<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; Thanking you.<BR>
>>  <BR>
>>  with best regards<BR>
>>  Satyaban
>>  </P>
>>  <br><br>
>>  <a
>> href="http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigclick.cgi/www.rediff.co
>>m/signature-home.htm/1507191490 at Middle5?PARTNER=3"><IMG
>> SRC="http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigimpress.cgi/www.rediff.c
>>om/signature-home.htm/1963059423 at Middle5?OAS_query=null&PARTNER=3" BORDER=0
>> VSPACE=0 HSPACE=0></a>

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