[gradsusr] area and vertical average

Adams, Jennifer M. (GSFC-610.2)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC] jennifer.m.adams at nasa.gov
Fri May 10 12:52:03 EDT 2019

There are amin() and amax() functions that work similarly to aave(): 

If you want to know where the min/max values are located, use these functions:

Jennifer Miletta Adams
ADNET Systems, Inc.
NASA/GSFC, Code 610.2
Building 32, Room S159
(301) 614-6070

On 5/10/19, 11:47 AM, "gradsusr on behalf of sim.aberson" <gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org on behalf of sim.aberson at noaa.gov> wrote:

    Thanks for that information.  It helps.  My next question is whether 
    there is anything I can do to speed up using min or max.  I want to find 
    the minimum or maximum across my grid, so I have, for example:
    d max(max(mag(ugrd10m,vgrd10m),x=1,x=450),y=1,y=425)*1.945
    This takes about 5 minutes on a new mac.  Any suggestions, or just bear 
    with it.
    On 5/9/19 8:53 PM, Jennifer M Adams wrote:
    > Hi, Sim —
    > It’s much more efficient to use aave() instead of nested  ave() 
    > functions over X and Y. Start by setting Z varying and define your area 
    > averages at desired levels.  The ‘define’ command will calculate the 
    > area averages at each fixed Z level and then stack them into a Z-varying 
    > result — it is the equivalent of having a zloop() function under the hood.
    > ‘set x 1'
    > ‘set y 1'
    > ‘set lev 925 700’
    > ‘define uave = aave(ugrdprs,x=1,x=463,y=1,y=425)’
    > Now fix Z and average over all levels:
    > ‘set z 1'
    > ‘define val = ave(uave,lev=925,lev=700)’
    > —Jennifer
    >> On May 8, 2019, at 4:36 PM, sim.aberson <sim.aberson at noaa.gov 
    >> <mailto:sim.aberson at noaa.gov>> wrote:
    >> I wish to calculate the area average of a variable that is vertically 
    >> averaged between two levels.  I use the command:
    >> 'define aveu=ave(ave(ave(ugrdprs,x=1,x=463),y=1,y=425),lev=925,lev=700)'
    >> This seems to take a huge amount of time (a half hour and counting on 
    >> my mac).  Even without the vertical average, for example,
    >> 'd ave(ave(wtmpsfc,x=1,x=463),y=1,y=425)'
    >> takes about 3 minutes.  However, just issuing the command
    >> 'define u850=ave(ugrdprs,lev=925,lev=700)'
    >> returns the result in just a moment.
    >> Am I doing this wrong?  Is there a more efficient way that I am 
    >> overlooking?
    >> Thanks,
    >> Sim Aberson
    >> NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division
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    > --
    > Jennifer Miletta Adams
    > Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
    > George Mason University
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