[gradsusr] OpenGRADS 2.2.1 for Linux: Available for Testing

Michael Greve mgreve at planalytics.com
Fri Mar 1 14:46:14 EST 2019


I was wondering if you could help with an issue with gxprint for the new
opengrads v2.2.1.oga.1. I am getting an error when trying to output a .png
file or .jpg file. The error reads "GXPRINT error: unsupported output
format". I saw that I may need to update my Cairo build? but not sure where
that is at in opengrads package for linux. Thank you for any help you can

P.S. I am able to output in pdf form, but this is not desired.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 9:19 PM Arlindo da Silva <dasilva at alum.mit.edu>

> All,
> I am glad to share with you a new build of the OpenGrADS Bundle
> v2.2.1.oga.1 *Linux:*
> *Linux (32 Bits): *
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/opengrads/files/grads2/2.2.1.oga.1/Linux%20%2832%20Bits%29/
> *Linux (64 Bits): *
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/opengrads/files/grads2/2.2.1.oga.1/Linux%20%2864%20Bits%29/
> Instead of labeling the tarballs with the Linux distributions (CentOS,
> Ubuntu, etc.), we have instead added the version of GNU C Library (glibc)
> which is a better indicator of binary portability. Please select your
> tar.gz ball based on your glibc version. To find out your glibc version,
> enter at the command line:
>                         ldd --version
> Select the newest glibc version that is less or equal the version you
> have installed on your system. For example, if your system has glibc 2.17
> you can install any version less than or equal to 2.17 (say, 2.17 or
> 2.12) but not 2.18.
> In any case, it is better to unset any GrADS environment variable that you
> may have set (GADDIR, GAUDPT, etc.) to avoid the 2 distributions from
> getting entangled. For sure, you do not want to have GAUDPT pointing to
> another build. (It is OK to set GASCRP to point to your own script
> location, though.)
> Please reply to this email if you have any issues with the *Linux*
> builds. (No personal emails, please.)
> Enjoy!
>     Arlindo
> --
> Arlindo da Silva
> *dasilva at opengrads.org <http://opengrads.org>*
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Michael Greve
Director of Meteorology, Planalytics Inc
mgreve at planalytics.com
(W) 610-407-2946
(C) 610-613-8632
920 Cassatt Road, Suite 300
Berwyn, PA 19312

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