[gradsusr] Problem with Nomads https

Charlie czotelo at criba.edu.ar
Wed Feb 6 12:10:52 EST 2019

Hello everybody. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Yesterday Nomads has changed access to gfs forecasts through the Grads  
server from http to https.
Before I could enter using the sentence

However, now, changing http by https, I can not access, obtaining as a  
result, the phrase

curl error details:
Error: nc_open failed to open file
NetCDF: I / O failure
gadsdf: Could not ingest SDF metadata.

Is there anything I need to change to be able to run the Grads scripts  
normally in Windows 10?
Thank you very much, I await your response to be able to generate the  
maps again.

Best regards

Carlos Zotelo
Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida (CERZOS).
Tel: +0549-0291-486-1124, Fax: +054-0291-486-2882.
Camino La Carrindanga km. 7, Edificio E-1, CCT BB (CONICET).
B8000FWB - Bahía Blanca - Argentina.

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