[gradsusr] Error using subplot.gs

Saunders, Emily (GSFC-610.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC] emily.saunders at nasa.gov
Mon Feb 4 16:42:00 EST 2019

Hi All,

I am running into an error when I use the subplot.gs script. I am 
receiving the following error when I call 'subplot 2 1' and 'subplot 2 
2'  in my script:

[subplot ERROR] # of varying dimensions must be 1 or 2. Current setting is
  X is varying   Lon = -180 to 180   X = 1 to 1441
  Y is varying   Lat = -90 to 90   Y = 1 to 721
  Z is fixed     Lev = 72  Z = 1
  T is fixed     Time = 00:30Z01JAN2019  T = 1
  E is fixed     Ens = 1  E = 1
I want to plot 2 rows and 1 columns of a daily average and the 
difference of two daily averages on one plot. Please let me know how I 
can use subplot.gs to do that. Thanks for your help in advance.

Emily Saunders, PhD.
Senior Research Scientist
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office/SSAI
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Bldg 33, Room H-111B
Code 610.1, Greenbelt, MD, 20771
Phone: +1-301-614-6532

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