[gradsusr] Help Displaying NetCDF File
Jeff Duda
jeffduda319 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 25 01:15:31 EST 2018
Your data set does not appear to have a vertical dimension. Your control
file also does not have a ZDEF entry. Thus I would use 0 for the *levs*
entry in the VARS section of the control file and see if that works.
On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 7:58 PM, L.B. <bcbass2989 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wanted to experiment with some new seasonal snowfall accumulation data
> from this link: https://www.nohrsc.noaa.gov/snowfall/
> The seasonal data is in NetCDF form. I downloaded the file and attempted
> to open it with 'sdfopen' which gave me the following:
> Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.1.a3
> Copyright (C) 1988-2015 by the Institute for Global Environment and
> Society (IGES)
> See file COPYRIGHT for more information
> Config: v2.1.a3 little-endian readline grib2 netcdf hdf4-sds hdf5
> opendap-grids,stn geotiff shapefile cairo
> Issue 'q config' command for more detailed configuration information
> Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait):
> GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5
> ga-> sdfopen sfav2_CONUS_2017093012_to_2018012212.nc
> Scanning self-describing file: sfav2_CONUS_2017093012_to_2018012212.nc
> read_ncatts: global attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 1 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 2 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 3 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 4 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 5 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 6 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lat attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lat attribute 1 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lat attribute 2 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lat attribute 5 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lon attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lon attribute 1 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lon attribute 2 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lon attribute 5 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: crs attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: crs attribute 1 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 2 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 3 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 4 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 5 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 6 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 9 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 15 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 16 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 17 type 12 not supported
> gadsdf: SDF file has no discernable X coordinate.
> To open this file with GrADS, use a descriptor file with an XDEF entry.
> Documentation is at http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/SDFdescriptorfile.html
> Next, I attempted to make a ctl file and use 'xdfopen'. I used ncdump on
> the netcdf file and got this output:
> ncdump -c sfav2_CONUS_2017093012_to_2018012212.nc
> netcdf sfav2_CONUS_2017093012_to_2018012212 {
> dimensions:
> lat = 850 ;
> lon = 1500 ;
> nv = 2 ;
> variables:
> double lat(lat) ;
> string lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
> string lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
> string lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
> lat:resolution = 0.04 ;
> lat:origin_offset = 0.02 ;
> string lat:bounds = "lat_bounds" ;
> double lat_bounds(lat, nv) ;
> double lon(lon) ;
> string lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
> string lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
> string lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
> lon:resolution = 0.04 ;
> lon:origin_offset = 0.02 ;
> string lon:bounds = "lon_bounds" ;
> double lon_bounds(lon, nv) ;
> short crs ;
> string crs:horizontal_datum = "WGS84" ;
> string crs:grid_mapping_name = "latitude_longitude" ;
> crs:longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0. ;
> crs:semi_major_axis = 6378137. ;
> crs:inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
> float Data(lat, lon) ;
> string Data:institution = "Office of Water Prediction" ;
> Data:gisrs_product_code = 623 ;
> string Data:long_name = "snowfall accumulation" ;
> string Data:standard_name = "thickness_of_snowfall_amount" ;
> string Data:satellite_data = "no" ;
> string Data:thematic = "no" ;
> string Data:data_are_elevations = "no" ;
> Data:number_of_color_tables = 0s ;
> Data:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
> string Data:units = "m" ;
> Data:add_offset = 0.f ;
> Data:scale_factor = 1.f ;
> Data:no_data_value = -99999.f ;
> Data:minimum_data_value = 0.f ;
> Data:maximum_data_value = 19.84752f ;
> string Data:start_date = "2017-09-30 12:00:00 UTC" ;
> string Data:stop_date = "2018-01-22 12:00:00 UTC" ;
> string Data:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
> // global attributes:
> string :format_version = "NOHRSC NetCDF raster file v1.2" ;
> string :Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
> string :title = "The National Snowfall Analysis, Version 2, is based on a
> background snowfall estimate generated from Stage IV quantitative
> precipitation estimates (QPE) (i.e., operational mosaics of QPE generated
> at River Forecast Centers), with the snow proportion determined by snow
> water:precipitation ratios in 3-hour High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR)
> forecasts. The resulting accumulated snow water equivalent amount is
> converted to accumulated snowfall using gridded
> snowfall-to-liquid-equivalent ratios estimated from the 1985-2015
> climatology of daily Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN-D)
> precipitation and snowfall observations. Differences between the resulting
> background estimate and observed 24-hour snowfall observations are
> interpolated spatially in two ordinary kriging passes, the first for bias
> adjustment, the second for error correction. This process is performed on a
> 144 arc-second (0.04 degree) longitude/latitude grid over the Conterminous
> United States. This file provides a 114-day aggregation of 24-hour analysis
> results, not an independent 114-day analysis." ;
> string :source = "surface observations of snowfall; Stage IV QPE; HRRR;
> GHCN-D" ;
> string :history = "2018-01-22 22:06:09 UTC created by module:
> aggregate_snowfall_v2.pro" ;
> string :comment = "2018-01-22 22:06:09 UTC created comment:
> aggregate_snowfall_v2.pro written in IDL by Greg Fall and Kent Sparrow,
> 2017" ;
> string :references = "Not applicable" ;
> data:
> lat = 54.98, 54.94, 54.9, 54.86, 54.82, 54.78, 54.74, 54.7, 54.66, 54.62,
> 54.58, 54.54, 54.5, 54.46, 54.42, 54.38, 54.34, 54.3, 54.26, 54.22,
> 54.18, 54.14, 54.1, 54.06, 54.02, 53.98, 53.94, 53.9, 53.86, 53.82,
> 53.78, 53.74, 53.7, 53.66, 53.62, 53.58, 53.54, 53.5, 53.46, 53.42,
> 53.38, 53.34, 53.3, 53.26, 53.22, 53.18, 53.14, 53.1, 53.06, 53.02,
> 52.98, 52.94, 52.9, 52.86, 52.82, 52.78, 52.74, 52.7, 52.66, 52.62,
> 52.58, 52.54, 52.5, 52.46, 52.42, 52.38, 52.34, 52.3, 52.26, 52.22,
> 52.18, 52.14, 52.1, 52.06, 52.02, 51.98, 51.94, 51.9, 51.86, 51.82,
> 51.78, 51.74, 51.7, 51.66, 51.62, 51.58, 51.54, 51.5, 51.46, 51.42,
> 51.38, 51.34, 51.3, 51.26, 51.22, 51.18, 51.14, 51.1, 51.06, 51.02,
> 50.98, 50.94, 50.9, 50.86, 50.82, 50.78, 50.74, 50.7, 50.66, 50.62,
> 50.58, 50.54, 50.5, 50.46, 50.42, 50.38, 50.34, 50.3, 50.26, 50.22,
> 50.18, 50.14, 50.1, 50.06, 50.02, 49.98, 49.94, 49.9, 49.86, 49.82,
> 49.78, 49.74, 49.7, 49.66, 49.62, 49.58, 49.54, 49.5, 49.46, 49.42,
> 49.38, 49.34, 49.3, 49.26, 49.22, 49.18, 49.14, 49.1, 49.06, 49.02,
> 48.98, 48.94, 48.9, 48.86, 48.82, 48.78, 48.74, 48.7, 48.66, 48.62,
> 48.58, 48.54, 48.5, 48.46, 48.42, 48.38, 48.34, 48.3, 48.26, 48.22,
> 48.18, 48.14, 48.1, 48.06, 48.02, 47.98, 47.94, 47.9, 47.86, 47.82,
> 47.78, 47.74, 47.7, 47.66, 47.62, 47.58, 47.54, 47.5, 47.46, 47.42,
> 47.38, 47.34, 47.3, 47.26, 47.22, 47.18, 47.14, 47.1, 47.06, 47.02,
> 46.98, 46.94, 46.9, 46.86, 46.82, 46.78, 46.74, 46.7, 46.66, 46.62,
> 46.58, 46.54, 46.5, 46.46, 46.42, 46.38, 46.34, 46.3, 46.26, 46.22,
> 46.18, 46.14, 46.1, 46.06, 46.02, 45.98, 45.94, 45.9, 45.86, 45.82,
> 45.78, 45.74, 45.7, 45.66, 45.62, 45.58, 45.54, 45.5, 45.46, 45.42,
> 45.38, 45.34, 45.3, 45.26, 45.22, 45.18, 45.14, 45.1, 45.06, 45.02,
> 44.98, 44.94, 44.9, 44.86, 44.82, 44.78, 44.74, 44.7, 44.66, 44.62,
> 44.58, 44.54, 44.5, 44.46, 44.42, 44.38, 44.34, 44.3, 44.26, 44.22,
> 44.18, 44.14, 44.1, 44.06, 44.02, 43.98, 43.94, 43.9, 43.86, 43.82,
> 43.78, 43.74, 43.7, 43.66, 43.62, 43.58, 43.54, 43.5, 43.46, 43.42,
> 43.38, 43.34, 43.3, 43.26, 43.22, 43.18, 43.14, 43.1, 43.06, 43.02,
> 42.98, 42.94, 42.9, 42.86, 42.82, 42.78, 42.74, 42.7, 42.66, 42.62,
> 42.58, 42.54, 42.5, 42.46, 42.42, 42.38, 42.34, 42.3, 42.26, 42.22,
> 42.18, 42.14, 42.1, 42.06, 42.02, 41.98, 41.94, 41.9, 41.86, 41.82,
> 41.78, 41.74, 41.7, 41.66, 41.62, 41.58, 41.54, 41.5, 41.46, 41.42,
> 41.38, 41.34, 41.3, 41.26, 41.22, 41.18, 41.14, 41.1, 41.06, 41.02,
> 40.98, 40.94, 40.9, 40.86, 40.82, 40.78, 40.74, 40.7, 40.66, 40.62,
> 40.58, 40.54, 40.5, 40.46, 40.42, 40.38, 40.34, 40.3, 40.26, 40.22,
> 40.18, 40.14, 40.1, 40.06, 40.02, 39.98, 39.94, 39.9, 39.86, 39.82,
> 39.78, 39.74, 39.7, 39.66, 39.62, 39.58, 39.54, 39.5, 39.46, 39.42,
> 39.38, 39.34, 39.3, 39.26, 39.22, 39.18, 39.14, 39.1, 39.06, 39.02,
> 38.98, 38.94, 38.9, 38.86, 38.82, 38.78, 38.74, 38.7, 38.66, 38.62,
> 38.58, 38.54, 38.5, 38.46, 38.42, 38.38, 38.34, 38.3, 38.26, 38.22,
> 38.18, 38.14, 38.1, 38.06, 38.02, 37.98, 37.94, 37.9, 37.86, 37.82,
> 37.78, 37.74, 37.7, 37.66, 37.62, 37.58, 37.54, 37.5, 37.46, 37.42,
> 37.38, 37.34, 37.3, 37.26, 37.22, 37.18, 37.14, 37.1, 37.06, 37.02,
> 36.98, 36.94, 36.9, 36.86, 36.82, 36.78, 36.74, 36.7, 36.66, 36.62,
> 36.58, 36.54, 36.5, 36.46, 36.42, 36.38, 36.34, 36.3, 36.26, 36.22,
> 36.18, 36.14, 36.1, 36.06, 36.02, 35.98, 35.94, 35.9, 35.86, 35.82,
> 35.78, 35.74, 35.7, 35.66, 35.62, 35.58, 35.54, 35.5, 35.46, 35.42,
> 35.38, 35.34, 35.3, 35.26, 35.22, 35.18, 35.14, 35.1, 35.06, 35.02,
> 34.98, 34.94, 34.9, 34.86, 34.82, 34.78, 34.74, 34.7, 34.66, 34.62,
> 34.58, 34.54, 34.5, 34.46, 34.42, 34.38, 34.34, 34.3, 34.26, 34.22,
> 34.18, 34.14, 34.1, 34.06, 34.02, 33.98, 33.94, 33.9, 33.86, 33.82,
> 33.78, 33.74, 33.7, 33.66, 33.62, 33.58, 33.54, 33.5, 33.46, 33.42,
> 33.38, 33.34, 33.3, 33.26, 33.22, 33.18, 33.14, 33.1, 33.06, 33.02,
> 32.98, 32.94, 32.9, 32.86, 32.82, 32.78, 32.74, 32.7, 32.66, 32.62,
> 32.58, 32.54, 32.5, 32.46, 32.42, 32.38, 32.34, 32.3, 32.26, 32.22,
> 32.18, 32.14, 32.1, 32.06, 32.02, 31.98, 31.94, 31.9, 31.86, 31.82,
> 31.78, 31.74, 31.7, 31.66, 31.62, 31.58, 31.54, 31.5, 31.46, 31.42,
> 31.38, 31.34, 31.3, 31.26, 31.22, 31.18, 31.14, 31.1, 31.06, 31.02,
> 30.98, 30.94, 30.9, 30.86, 30.82, 30.78, 30.74, 30.7, 30.66, 30.62,
> 30.58, 30.54, 30.5, 30.46, 30.42, 30.38, 30.34, 30.3, 30.26, 30.22,
> 30.18, 30.14, 30.1, 30.06, 30.02, 29.98, 29.94, 29.9, 29.86, 29.82,
> 29.78, 29.74, 29.7, 29.66, 29.62, 29.58, 29.54, 29.5, 29.46, 29.42,
> 29.38, 29.34, 29.3, 29.26, 29.22, 29.18, 29.14, 29.1, 29.06, 29.02,
> 28.98, 28.94, 28.9, 28.86, 28.82, 28.78, 28.74, 28.7, 28.66, 28.62,
> 28.58, 28.54, 28.5, 28.46, 28.42, 28.38, 28.34, 28.3, 28.26, 28.22,
> 28.18, 28.14, 28.1, 28.06, 28.02, 27.98, 27.94, 27.9, 27.86, 27.82,
> 27.78, 27.74, 27.7, 27.66, 27.62, 27.58, 27.54, 27.5, 27.46, 27.42,
> 27.38, 27.34, 27.3, 27.26, 27.22, 27.18, 27.14, 27.1, 27.06, 27.02,
> 26.98, 26.94, 26.9, 26.86, 26.82, 26.78, 26.74, 26.7, 26.66, 26.62,
> 26.58, 26.54, 26.5, 26.46, 26.42, 26.38, 26.34, 26.3, 26.26, 26.22,
> 26.18, 26.14, 26.1, 26.06, 26.02, 25.98, 25.94, 25.9, 25.86, 25.82,
> 25.78, 25.74, 25.7, 25.66, 25.62, 25.58, 25.54, 25.5, 25.46, 25.42,
> 25.38, 25.34, 25.3, 25.26, 25.22, 25.18, 25.14, 25.1, 25.06, 25.02,
> 24.98, 24.94, 24.9, 24.86, 24.82, 24.78, 24.74, 24.7, 24.66, 24.62,
> 24.58, 24.54, 24.5, 24.46, 24.42, 24.38, 24.34, 24.3, 24.26, 24.22,
> 24.18, 24.14, 24.1, 24.06, 24.02, 23.98, 23.94, 23.9, 23.86, 23.82,
> 23.78, 23.74, 23.7, 23.66, 23.62, 23.58, 23.54, 23.5, 23.46, 23.42,
> 23.38, 23.34, 23.3, 23.26, 23.22, 23.18, 23.14, 23.1, 23.06, 23.02,
> 22.98, 22.94, 22.9, 22.86, 22.82, 22.78, 22.74, 22.7, 22.66, 22.62,
> 22.58, 22.54, 22.5, 22.46, 22.42, 22.38, 22.34, 22.3, 22.26, 22.22,
> 22.18, 22.14, 22.1, 22.06, 22.02, 21.98, 21.94, 21.9, 21.86, 21.82,
> 21.78, 21.74, 21.7, 21.66, 21.62, 21.58, 21.54, 21.5, 21.46, 21.42,
> 21.38, 21.34, 21.3, 21.26, 21.22, 21.18, 21.14, 21.1, 21.06, 21.02 ;
> lon = -125.98, -125.94, -125.9, -125.86, -125.82, -125.78, -125.74,
> -125.7,
> -125.66, -125.62, -125.58, -125.54, -125.5, -125.46, -125.42, -125.38,
> -125.34, -125.3, -125.26, -125.22, -125.18, -125.14, -125.1, -125.06,
> -125.02, -124.98, -124.94, -124.9, -124.86, -124.82, -124.78, -124.74,
> -124.7, -124.66, -124.62, -124.58, -124.54, -124.5, -124.46, -124.42,
> -124.38, -124.34, -124.3, -124.26, -124.22, -124.18, -124.14, -124.1,
> -124.06, -124.02, -123.98, -123.94, -123.9, -123.86, -123.82, -123.78,
> -123.74, -123.7, -123.66, -123.62, -123.58, -123.54, -123.5, -123.46,
> -123.42, -123.38, -123.34, -123.3, -123.26, -123.22, -123.18, -123.14,
> -123.1, -123.06, -123.02, -122.98, -122.94, -122.9, -122.86, -122.82,
> -122.78, -122.74, -122.7, -122.66, -122.62, -122.58, -122.54, -122.5,
> -122.46, -122.42, -122.38, -122.34, -122.3, -122.26, -122.22, -122.18,
> -122.14, -122.1, -122.06, -122.02, -121.98, -121.94, -121.9, -121.86,
> -121.82, -121.78, -121.74, -121.7, -121.66, -121.62, -121.58, -121.54,
> -121.5, -121.46, -121.42, -121.38, -121.34, -121.3, -121.26, -121.22,
> -121.18, -121.14, -121.1, -121.06, -121.02, -120.98, -120.94, -120.9,
> -120.86, -120.82, -120.78, -120.74, -120.7, -120.66, -120.62, -120.58,
> -120.54, -120.5, -120.46, -120.42, -120.38, -120.34, -120.3, -120.26,
> -120.22, -120.18, -120.14, -120.1, -120.06, -120.02, -119.98, -119.94,
> -119.9, -119.86, -119.82, -119.78, -119.74, -119.7, -119.66, -119.62,
> -119.58, -119.54, -119.5, -119.46, -119.42, -119.38, -119.34, -119.3,
> -119.26, -119.22, -119.18, -119.14, -119.1, -119.06, -119.02, -118.98,
> -118.94, -118.9, -118.86, -118.82, -118.78, -118.74, -118.7, -118.66,
> -118.62, -118.58, -118.54, -118.5, -118.46, -118.42, -118.38, -118.34,
> -118.3, -118.26, -118.22, -118.18, -118.14, -118.1, -118.06, -118.02,
> -117.98, -117.94, -117.9, -117.86, -117.82, -117.78, -117.74, -117.7,
> -117.66, -117.62, -117.58, -117.54, -117.5, -117.46, -117.42, -117.38,
> -117.34, -117.3, -117.26, -117.22, -117.18, -117.14, -117.1, -117.06,
> -117.02, -116.98, -116.94, -116.9, -116.86, -116.82, -116.78, -116.74,
> -116.7, -116.66, -116.62, -116.58, -116.54, -116.5, -116.46, -116.42,
> -116.38, -116.34, -116.3, -116.26, -116.22, -116.18, -116.14, -116.1,
> -116.06, -116.02, -115.98, -115.94, -115.9, -115.86, -115.82, -115.78,
> -115.74, -115.7, -115.66, -115.62, -115.58, -115.54, -115.5, -115.46,
> -115.42, -115.38, -115.34, -115.3, -115.26, -115.22, -115.18, -115.14,
> -115.1, -115.06, -115.02, -114.98, -114.94, -114.9, -114.86, -114.82,
> -114.78, -114.74, -114.7, -114.66, -114.62, -114.58, -114.54, -114.5,
> -114.46, -114.42, -114.38, -114.34, -114.3, -114.26, -114.22, -114.18,
> -114.14, -114.1, -114.06, -114.02, -113.98, -113.94, -113.9, -113.86,
> -113.82, -113.78, -113.74, -113.7, -113.66, -113.62, -113.58, -113.54,
> -113.5, -113.46, -113.42, -113.38, -113.34, -113.3, -113.26, -113.22,
> -113.18, -113.14, -113.1, -113.06, -113.02, -112.98, -112.94, -112.9,
> -112.86, -112.82, -112.78, -112.74, -112.7, -112.66, -112.62, -112.58,
> -112.54, -112.5, -112.46, -112.42, -112.38, -112.34, -112.3, -112.26,
> -112.22, -112.18, -112.14, -112.1, -112.06, -112.02, -111.98, -111.94,
> -111.9, -111.86, -111.82, -111.78, -111.74, -111.7, -111.66, -111.62,
> -111.58, -111.54, -111.5, -111.46, -111.42, -111.38, -111.34, -111.3,
> -111.26, -111.22, -111.18, -111.14, -111.1, -111.06, -111.02, -110.98,
> -110.94, -110.9, -110.86, -110.82, -110.78, -110.74, -110.7, -110.66,
> -110.62, -110.58, -110.54, -110.5, -110.46, -110.42, -110.38, -110.34,
> -110.3, -110.26, -110.22, -110.18, -110.14, -110.1, -110.06, -110.02,
> -109.98, -109.94, -109.9, -109.86, -109.82, -109.78, -109.74, -109.7,
> -109.66, -109.62, -109.58, -109.54, -109.5, -109.46, -109.42, -109.38,
> -109.34, -109.3, -109.26, -109.22, -109.18, -109.14, -109.1, -109.06,
> -109.02, -108.98, -108.94, -108.9, -108.86, -108.82, -108.78, -108.74,
> -108.7, -108.66, -108.62, -108.58, -108.54, -108.5, -108.46, -108.42,
> -108.38, -108.34, -108.3, -108.26, -108.22, -108.18, -108.14, -108.1,
> -108.06, -108.02, -107.98, -107.94, -107.9, -107.86, -107.82, -107.78,
> -107.74, -107.7, -107.66, -107.62, -107.58, -107.54, -107.5, -107.46,
> -107.42, -107.38, -107.34, -107.3, -107.26, -107.22, -107.18, -107.14,
> -107.1, -107.06, -107.02, -106.98, -106.94, -106.9, -106.86, -106.82,
> -106.78, -106.74, -106.7, -106.66, -106.62, -106.58, -106.54, -106.5,
> -106.46, -106.42, -106.38, -106.34, -106.3, -106.26, -106.22, -106.18,
> -106.14, -106.1, -106.06, -106.02, -105.98, -105.94, -105.9, -105.86,
> -105.82, -105.78, -105.74, -105.7, -105.66, -105.62, -105.58, -105.54,
> -105.5, -105.46, -105.42, -105.38, -105.34, -105.3, -105.26, -105.22,
> -105.18, -105.14, -105.1, -105.06, -105.02, -104.98, -104.94, -104.9,
> -104.86, -104.82, -104.78, -104.74, -104.7, -104.66, -104.62, -104.58,
> -104.54, -104.5, -104.46, -104.42, -104.38, -104.34, -104.3, -104.26,
> -104.22, -104.18, -104.14, -104.1, -104.06, -104.02, -103.98, -103.94,
> -103.9, -103.86, -103.82, -103.78, -103.74, -103.7, -103.66, -103.62,
> -103.58, -103.54, -103.5, -103.46, -103.42, -103.38, -103.34, -103.3,
> -103.26, -103.22, -103.18, -103.14, -103.1, -103.06, -103.02, -102.98,
> -102.94, -102.9, -102.86, -102.82, -102.78, -102.74, -102.7, -102.66,
> -102.62, -102.58, -102.54, -102.5, -102.46, -102.42, -102.38, -102.34,
> -102.3, -102.26, -102.22, -102.18, -102.14, -102.1, -102.06, -102.02,
> -101.98, -101.94, -101.9, -101.86, -101.82, -101.78, -101.74, -101.7,
> -101.66, -101.62, -101.58, -101.54, -101.5, -101.46, -101.42, -101.38,
> -101.34, -101.3, -101.26, -101.22, -101.18, -101.14, -101.1, -101.06,
> -101.02, -100.98, -100.94, -100.9, -100.86, -100.82, -100.78, -100.74,
> -100.7, -100.66, -100.62, -100.58, -100.54, -100.5, -100.46, -100.42,
> -100.38, -100.34, -100.3, -100.26, -100.22, -100.18, -100.14, -100.1,
> -100.06, -100.02, -99.98, -99.94, -99.9, -99.86, -99.82, -99.78,
> -99.74,
> -99.7, -99.66, -99.62, -99.58, -99.54, -99.5, -99.46, -99.42, -99.38,
> -99.34, -99.3, -99.26, -99.22, -99.18, -99.14, -99.1, -99.06, -99.02,
> -98.98, -98.94, -98.9, -98.86, -98.82, -98.78, -98.74, -98.7, -98.66,
> -98.62, -98.58, -98.54, -98.5, -98.46, -98.42, -98.38, -98.34, -98.3,
> -98.26, -98.22, -98.18, -98.14, -98.1, -98.06, -98.02, -97.98, -97.94,
> -97.9, -97.86, -97.82, -97.78, -97.74, -97.7, -97.66, -97.62, -97.58,
> -97.54, -97.5, -97.46, -97.42, -97.38, -97.34, -97.3, -97.26, -97.22,
> -97.18, -97.14, -97.1, -97.06, -97.02, -96.98, -96.94, -96.9, -96.86,
> -96.82, -96.78, -96.74, -96.7, -96.66, -96.62, -96.58, -96.54, -96.5,
> -96.46, -96.42, -96.38, -96.34, -96.3, -96.26, -96.22, -96.18, -96.14,
> -96.1, -96.06, -96.02, -95.98, -95.94, -95.9, -95.86, -95.82, -95.78,
> -95.74, -95.7, -95.66, -95.62, -95.58, -95.54, -95.5, -95.46, -95.42,
> -95.38, -95.34, -95.3, -95.26, -95.22, -95.18, -95.14, -95.1, -95.06,
> -95.02, -94.98, -94.94, -94.9, -94.86, -94.82, -94.78, -94.74, -94.7,
> -94.66, -94.62, -94.58, -94.54, -94.5, -94.46, -94.42, -94.38, -94.34,
> -94.3, -94.26, -94.22, -94.18, -94.14, -94.1, -94.06, -94.02, -93.98,
> -93.94, -93.9, -93.86, -93.82, -93.78, -93.74, -93.7, -93.66, -93.62,
> -93.58, -93.54, -93.5, -93.46, -93.42, -93.38, -93.34, -93.3, -93.26,
> -93.22, -93.18, -93.14, -93.1, -93.06, -93.02, -92.98, -92.94, -92.9,
> -92.86, -92.82, -92.78, -92.74, -92.7, -92.66, -92.62, -92.58, -92.54,
> -92.5, -92.46, -92.42, -92.38, -92.34, -92.3, -92.26, -92.22, -92.18,
> -92.14, -92.1, -92.06, -92.02, -91.98, -91.94, -91.9, -91.86, -91.82,
> -91.78, -91.74, -91.7, -91.66, -91.62, -91.58, -91.54, -91.5, -91.46,
> -91.42, -91.38, -91.34, -91.3, -91.26, -91.22, -91.18, -91.14, -91.1,
> -91.06, -91.02, -90.98, -90.94, -90.9, -90.86, -90.82, -90.78, -90.74,
> -90.7, -90.66, -90.62, -90.58, -90.54, -90.5, -90.46, -90.42, -90.38,
> -90.34, -90.3, -90.26, -90.22, -90.18, -90.14, -90.1, -90.06, -90.02,
> -89.98, -89.94, -89.9, -89.86, -89.82, -89.78, -89.74, -89.7, -89.66,
> -89.62, -89.58, -89.54, -89.5, -89.46, -89.42, -89.38, -89.34, -89.3,
> -89.26, -89.22, -89.18, -89.14, -89.1, -89.06, -89.02, -88.98, -88.94,
> -88.9, -88.86, -88.82, -88.78, -88.74, -88.7, -88.66, -88.62, -88.58,
> -88.54, -88.5, -88.46, -88.42, -88.38, -88.34, -88.3, -88.26, -88.22,
> -88.18, -88.14, -88.1, -88.06, -88.02, -87.98, -87.94, -87.9, -87.86,
> -87.82, -87.78, -87.74, -87.7, -87.66, -87.62, -87.58, -87.54, -87.5,
> -87.46, -87.42, -87.38, -87.34, -87.3, -87.26, -87.22, -87.18, -87.14,
> -87.1, -87.06, -87.02, -86.98, -86.94, -86.9, -86.86, -86.82, -86.78,
> -86.74, -86.7, -86.66, -86.62, -86.58, -86.54, -86.5, -86.46, -86.42,
> -86.38, -86.34, -86.3, -86.26, -86.22, -86.18, -86.14, -86.1, -86.06,
> -86.02, -85.98, -85.94, -85.9, -85.86, -85.82, -85.78, -85.74, -85.7,
> -85.66, -85.62, -85.58, -85.54, -85.5, -85.46, -85.42, -85.38, -85.34,
> -85.3, -85.26, -85.22, -85.18, -85.14, -85.1, -85.06, -85.02, -84.98,
> -84.94, -84.9, -84.86, -84.82, -84.78, -84.74, -84.7, -84.66, -84.62,
> -84.58, -84.54, -84.5, -84.46, -84.42, -84.38, -84.34, -84.3, -84.26,
> -84.22, -84.18, -84.14, -84.1, -84.06, -84.02, -83.98, -83.94, -83.9,
> -83.86, -83.82, -83.78, -83.74, -83.7, -83.66, -83.62, -83.58, -83.54,
> -83.5, -83.46, -83.42, -83.38, -83.34, -83.3, -83.26, -83.22, -83.18,
> -83.14, -83.1, -83.06, -83.02, -82.98, -82.94, -82.9, -82.86, -82.82,
> -82.78, -82.74, -82.7, -82.66, -82.62, -82.58, -82.54, -82.5, -82.46,
> -82.42, -82.38, -82.34, -82.3, -82.26, -82.22, -82.18, -82.14, -82.1,
> -82.06, -82.02, -81.98, -81.94, -81.9, -81.86, -81.82, -81.78, -81.74,
> -81.7, -81.66, -81.62, -81.58, -81.54, -81.5, -81.46, -81.42, -81.38,
> -81.34, -81.3, -81.26, -81.22, -81.18, -81.14, -81.1, -81.06, -81.02,
> -80.98, -80.94, -80.9, -80.86, -80.82, -80.78, -80.74, -80.7, -80.66,
> -80.62, -80.58, -80.54, -80.5, -80.46, -80.42, -80.38, -80.34, -80.3,
> -80.26, -80.22, -80.18, -80.14, -80.1, -80.06, -80.02, -79.98, -79.94,
> -79.9, -79.86, -79.82, -79.78, -79.74, -79.7, -79.66, -79.62, -79.58,
> -79.54, -79.5, -79.46, -79.42, -79.38, -79.34, -79.3, -79.26, -79.22,
> -79.18, -79.14, -79.1, -79.06, -79.02, -78.98, -78.94, -78.9, -78.86,
> -78.82, -78.78, -78.74, -78.7, -78.66, -78.62, -78.58, -78.54, -78.5,
> -78.46, -78.42, -78.38, -78.34, -78.3, -78.26, -78.22, -78.18, -78.14,
> -78.1, -78.06, -78.02, -77.98, -77.94, -77.9, -77.86, -77.82, -77.78,
> -77.74, -77.7, -77.66, -77.62, -77.58, -77.54, -77.5, -77.46, -77.42,
> -77.38, -77.34, -77.3, -77.26, -77.22, -77.18, -77.14, -77.1, -77.06,
> -77.02, -76.98, -76.94, -76.9, -76.86, -76.82, -76.78, -76.74, -76.7,
> -76.66, -76.62, -76.58, -76.54, -76.5, -76.46, -76.42, -76.38, -76.34,
> -76.3, -76.26, -76.22, -76.18, -76.14, -76.1, -76.06, -76.02, -75.98,
> -75.94, -75.9, -75.86, -75.82, -75.78, -75.74, -75.7, -75.66, -75.62,
> -75.58, -75.54, -75.5, -75.46, -75.42, -75.38, -75.34, -75.3, -75.26,
> -75.22, -75.18, -75.14, -75.1, -75.06, -75.02, -74.98, -74.94, -74.9,
> -74.86, -74.82, -74.78, -74.74, -74.7, -74.66, -74.62, -74.58, -74.54,
> -74.5, -74.46, -74.42, -74.38, -74.34, -74.3, -74.26, -74.22, -74.18,
> -74.14, -74.1, -74.06, -74.02, -73.98, -73.94, -73.9, -73.86, -73.82,
> -73.78, -73.74, -73.7, -73.66, -73.62, -73.58, -73.54, -73.5, -73.46,
> -73.42, -73.38, -73.34, -73.3, -73.26, -73.22, -73.18, -73.14, -73.1,
> -73.06, -73.02, -72.98, -72.94, -72.9, -72.86, -72.82, -72.78, -72.74,
> -72.7, -72.66, -72.62, -72.58, -72.54, -72.5, -72.46, -72.42, -72.38,
> -72.34, -72.3, -72.26, -72.22, -72.18, -72.14, -72.1, -72.06, -72.02,
> -71.98, -71.94, -71.9, -71.86, -71.82, -71.78, -71.74, -71.7, -71.66,
> -71.62, -71.58, -71.54, -71.5, -71.46, -71.42, -71.38, -71.34, -71.3,
> -71.26, -71.22, -71.18, -71.14, -71.1, -71.06, -71.02, -70.98, -70.94,
> -70.9, -70.86, -70.82, -70.78, -70.74, -70.7, -70.66, -70.62, -70.58,
> -70.54, -70.5, -70.46, -70.42, -70.38, -70.34, -70.3, -70.26, -70.22,
> -70.18, -70.14, -70.1, -70.06, -70.02, -69.98, -69.94, -69.9, -69.86,
> -69.82, -69.78, -69.74, -69.7, -69.66, -69.62, -69.58, -69.54, -69.5,
> -69.46, -69.42, -69.38, -69.34, -69.3, -69.26, -69.22, -69.18, -69.14,
> -69.1, -69.06, -69.02, -68.98, -68.94, -68.9, -68.86, -68.82, -68.78,
> -68.74, -68.7, -68.66, -68.62, -68.58, -68.54, -68.5, -68.46, -68.42,
> -68.38, -68.34, -68.3, -68.26, -68.22, -68.18, -68.14, -68.1, -68.06,
> -68.02, -67.98, -67.94, -67.9, -67.86, -67.82, -67.78, -67.74, -67.7,
> -67.66, -67.62, -67.58, -67.54, -67.5, -67.46, -67.42, -67.38, -67.34,
> -67.3, -67.26, -67.22, -67.18, -67.14, -67.1, -67.06, -67.02, -66.98,
> -66.94, -66.9, -66.86, -66.82, -66.78, -66.74, -66.7, -66.66, -66.62,
> -66.58, -66.54, -66.5, -66.46, -66.42, -66.38, -66.34, -66.3, -66.26,
> -66.22, -66.18, -66.14, -66.1, -66.06, -66.02 ;
> }
> I used this data to create this very basic ctl file following the
> guidelines from GrADS documentation:
> DSET ^sfav2_CONUS_2017093012_to_2018012212.nc
> TITLE NOHRSC Seasonal Snowfall Accumulation
> UNDEF -99999
> XDEF lat 1500 LINEAR -125.98 0.04
> YDEF lon 850 LINEAR 21.02 0.04
> VARS 1
> Data=>snow 1 Y,X Snowfall
> I then tried opening the file in GrADS:
> Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.1.a3
> Copyright (C) 1988-2015 by the Institute for Global Environment and
> Society (IGES)
> See file COPYRIGHT for more information
> Config: v2.1.a3 little-endian readline grib2 netcdf hdf4-sds hdf5
> opendap-grids,stn geotiff shapefile cairo
> Issue 'q config' command for more detailed configuration information
> Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait):
> GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5
> ga-> xdfopen snow_nc.ctl
> Scanning Descriptor File: snow_nc.ctl
> read_ncatts: global attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 1 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 2 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 3 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 4 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 5 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: global attribute 6 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lat attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lat attribute 1 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lat attribute 2 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lat attribute 5 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lon attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lon attribute 1 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lon attribute 2 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: lon attribute 5 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: crs attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: crs attribute 1 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 0 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 2 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 3 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 4 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 5 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 6 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 9 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 15 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 16 type 12 not supported
> read_ncatts: Data attribute 17 type 12 not supported
> SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values.
> SDF file sfav2_CONUS_2017093012_to_2018012212.nc is open as file 1
> LON set to -125.98 -66.02
> LAT set to 21.02 54.98
> LEV set to 0 0
> Time values set: 1:1:1:0 1:1:1:0
> E set to 1 1
> ga-> q file
> File 1 : NOHRSC Seasonal Snowfall Accumulation
> Descriptor: snow_nc.ctl
> Binary: sfav2_CONUS_2017093012_to_2018012212.nc
> Type = Gridded
> Xsize = 1500 Ysize = 850 Zsize = 1 Tsize = 1 Esize = 1
> Number of Variables = 1
> snow 0 x,y Data
> ga-> d snow
> gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Start+count exceeds
> dimension bound
> Data Request Error: Error for variable 'snow'
> Error ocurred at column 1
> DISPLAY error: Invalid expression
> Expression = snow
> Can anyone point me to what I'm missing or help me display this data? I'm
> not really sure what the 'data attribute type not supported' errors are
> either - I can't seem to find much on it.
> Thanks!
> *-------*
> William (L.B.) LaForce IV
> Meteorologist
> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
Jeff Duda, Research Scientist
University of Colorado Boulder
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
NOAA/OAR/ESRL/Global Systems Division
Boulder, CO
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