[gradsusr] Annual time series
mehwish ramzan
mehwish.ramzan at gmail.com
Sat Nov 18 08:09:57 EST 2017
Dear GrADS users,
I need help in fixing the following problem.
I am trying to create an inter-annual time series for present and future
climate. Now, when I run the script it gives me overlapping time series.
What is want to obtain is the distinction between present and future
precipitation change.
Also, how can I obtain a linear regression within the same graph?Kindly
enlighten me.
Please see the script and an image as attached files.
Thank you
With Best Regards,
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{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 'reinit'\
'open rcp85.ctl'\
'open rcp45.ctl'\
'open 20C.ctl'\
'set display color white'\
'set grads off'\
'set vrange 0 7'\
'set xaxis 1980 2100'\
'set dfile 1'\
'set x 1'\
'set y 1'\
'set t 1 972'\
'define p1 = aave(pratesfc*60*60*24, lon=12, lon=123, lat=-15, lat=45)'\
'set cmark 0'\
'set ccolor 1'\
'set cstyle 1'\
'set line 1 1 5'\
'd p1'\
'set dfile 2'\
'set x 1'\
'set y 1'\
'set t 1 972'\
'define p2 = aave(pratesfc*60*60*24, lon=12, lon=123, lat=-15, lat=45)'\
'set cmark 0'\
'set ccolor 3'\
'set cstyle 1'\
'set line 3 1 5'\
'd p2'\
'set dfile 3'\
'set cmark 0'\
'set ccolor 4'\
'set x 1'\
'set y 1'\
'set t 1 312'\
'define p3= aave(prate*60*60*24, lon=12, lon=123, lat=-15, lat=45)'\
'set style 1'\
'set line 4 1 5'\
'd p\'923\
'cbar_line -x 2.5 -y 2.5 -c 1 3 4 -m 0 -t "RCP8.5" "RCP4.5" "20C" -p'\
'draw title Inter-annual time series\'92\
'gxprint inter-annual_prec_21C_20C.png'\
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