[gradsusr] OSCAR DATA CTL

Jeff Duda jeffduda319 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 12:00:44 EST 2017

First of all, if you use the options keyword you need to include template
strings in your DSET entry, and I don't see any such strings. That shoudl
also be throwing an error.

Secondly, given the structure of your control file, it appears you wish to
use xdfopen to read the file. In that case, can you confirm that
"dimension1", "dimension2", ... etc. corresponds to the named dimensions in
the netcdf file? An ncdump -h oscar_vel8859.nc will confirm this.

Finally, the math on your xdef entry doesn't add up. 20 + 1201*0.333 =~
420, which is well above the maximum longitude value. I'm not sure if Grads
allows wrap-around like that, but I would eliminate the exceedance to be

Jeff Duda

On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Carlos Enciso Ojeda <
20071058 at lamolina.edu.pe> wrote:

> HI everyone
> I'm having some troubles with OSCAR data, which are in netcdf format, I
> made a ctl, but when I tried to open it, it mentioned an error with xdef
> value. The ctl is as follow:
> DSET ^oscar_vel8859.nc
> DTYPE netcdf
> undef 200000000000000000000.000000
> OPTIONS template
> xdef dimension1 1201 linear 20.000000 0.333333
> ydef dimension2 481 linear -80.000000 0.333333
> zdef dimension3 1 linear 1 1
> tdef dimension4 1 linear 00:00Z06jan2017 1dy
> vars 4
> u 0 99 Ocean Surface Zonal Currents [meter/sec]
> v 0 99 Ocean Surface Meridional Currents [meter/sec]
> um 0 99 Ocean Surface Zonal Currents Maximum Mask [meter/sec]
> vm 0 99 Ocean Surface Meridional Currents Maximum Mask [meter/sec]
> endvars
> I'd really appreciate, If anyone can help me with this one.
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers
> Carlos Enciso
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Jeff Duda
Post-doctoral research fellow
University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
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