[gradsusr] Error while loading shared library: libssl.so

vijaybaskar energy bvbseen at mkuniversity.org
Wed Apr 26 07:54:00 EDT 2017

Dear Jenifer

Grads was installed in /usr/local/bin
Grads data was installed in /usr/local/lib/grads/data
libssl.so.10 was located in /usr/lib, so I have given the path of
libssl.so.10 in bashrc file
kindly check my bashrc and help me where I am doing mistake in my
bashrc file

# WRF environment variables
export DIR=/home/vijay/Desktop/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export FC=gfortran
export CFLAGS=-m64
export F77=gfortran
export FFLAGS=-m64
export PATH=$DIR/netcdf/bin:$PATH
export NETCDF=$DIR/netcdf
export LDFLAGS=-L$DIR/grib2/lib
export CPPFLAGS=-I$DIR/grib2/include
export JASPERLIB=$DIR/grib2/lib
export JASPERINC=$DIR/grib2/include
export GRADS=/usr/local/bin
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export GADDIR=/usr/local/lib/grads/data
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib
source /usr/local/ferret/ferret_paths


On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 6:57 PM, Jennifer M Adams <jadams21 at gmu.edu> wrote:

> Dear Everyone,
> The SSL library is dynamically linked with recent builds of GrADS to
> support access to opendap servers via HTTPS. The use of a secure servers
> for data distribution is a US gov’t mandate and complying with this order
> is a gigantic nuisance for data providers, data users, and software
> developers. The use of encryption in any software package that is widely
> distributed and used globally has some legal issues; the fact that GrADS is
> open source and is linked with the openSSL library dynamically is how we
> are able to avoid any culpability. It is the responsibility of the users to
> install the SSL library on their local servers so that GrADS can load it at
> runtime. Use the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to tell GrADS where
> libssl.so is located on your system.
> I have noticed that older versions of libssl do not succeed in satisfying
> the authentication requirements of the opendap servers at NASA. My testing
> servers, listed below, require libssl.so.10.
> https://goldsmr4.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov:443/dods/
> https://goldsmr4.gesdisc.eosdis.nasa.gov:443/opendap/
> https://disc2.gesdisc.eosdis.nasa.gov:443/opendap/
> If you do not need to get any data via opendap/https, I have also posted
> builds that are not linked with SSL for RHEL and OSX. Please see
> http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/downloads.php for the latest links.
> —Jennifer
> --
> Jennifer Miletta Adams
> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
> George Mason University
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