[gradsusr] Calculating 3 Hourly Precipitation in CMC Regional Grib Files

Brian Bernard brian.brianbernard at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 13:06:40 EDT 2017


I have a project where I want to calculate the 3-hourly instantaneous
precipitation in the CMC Regional Grib Files. The CMC grib files have
precipitation accumulated, so what I need is to somehow subtract the
current timestep ( eg. 48 hour) accumulated precipitation values, from the
previous timestep (45 hour), and then write the result to a new grib file.

Doing a search on the internet revealed a GrADS script called "g2grb" which
can write to grib files, so that is the root I will probably take.

Does anyone have experience with what I'm trying to do, and if so are there
any pitfalls or gotchas I should be aware of?

Thank you for any help and/or advice given.

- Brian Bernard
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