[gradsusr] streamline output as kml?

Darlow, JAMES W CIV NMFC_JTWC james.darlow at navy.mil
Thu Jul 28 18:37:47 EDT 2016

Thank you for the quick reply. 
I am on a DOD system, I don't believe 2.1 has been approved yet. 
In the interim, perhaps I can make multiple smaller streamline maps pngs, and tile them on Google earth. Hopefully the streamlines will match up and be less pixelated?
I'll pursue the 2.1 upgrade.


-----Original Message-----
From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org [mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] On Behalf Of Jennifer M Adams
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 12:07 PM
To: GrADS Users Forum
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [gradsusr] streamline output as kml?

Hi, James -
I'm sorry to tell you that it is not possible to export streamlines or vectors directly into KML format in the same way that it is done with contour lines. On the bright side, your image export will look much less pixelated if you upgrade to version 2.1, which uses Cairo graphics which supports anti-aliasing. 

On Jul 28, 2016, at 5:40 PM, Darlow, JAMES W CIV NMFC_JTWC <james.darlow at navy.mil> wrote:

	Hello Gradsusr,
	I am using v2.0.2...
	I hope someone can help me output streamlines as a KML
	(Rather than a TIF image and KML)
	I need the smoother lines <LineString> and transparent background the kml provides, not the pixelated streamlines of a tiff.
	I use the following now to get a streamline png with transparent background... but it is pixelated.
	ga-> clear
	ga-> set gxout stream
	ga-> d vgrdsfc;ugrdsfc
	ga-> printim test.png -t 0
	When I use the following, only lines are generated. (If I try d vgrdsfc;ugrdsfc, nothing is generated.)
	ga-> set gxout kml
	ga-> set kml -ln test.kml
	KML output file name:
	test.kml (KML text file)
	KML output type: contour lines
	ga-> d vgrdsfc
	Contouring: -20 to 25 interval 5
	1242 contours written to KML file test.kml
	I appreciate any suggestions... I am new to GRADS; examples are appreciated.
	Thank you,
	James Darlow
	Joint Typhoon Warning Center
	gradsusr mailing list
	gradsusr at gradsusr.org

Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) George Mason University

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