[gradsusr] invalid grid coordinates error: help

Miles Bliss mblis2 at u.brockport.edu
Fri Jul 15 11:45:46 EDT 2016

Hello all,
             The following is the error message that i am receiving fro
GrADS. As i am attempting to build an average picture, so to say, of upper
air fields for all my cases as can be found in the attached file.

Data Request Warning:  Request is completely outside file limits
Data Request Warning:  Request is completely outside file limits
Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates
  World coordinates convert to non-integer  grid coordinates
    Variable = hgtprs.18  Dimension = 3
  Error ocurred at column 466
DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
  Expression =

I have checked using the 'q dims' function the time of each file listed in
the script and each is the appropriately valued T index.
Im not sure where to progress from here, so any help would be great.
-Miles Bliss
 SUNY Brockport '17
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