[gradsusr] (no subject)

Carlos Enciso Ojeda 20071058 at lamolina.edu.pe
Tue Jul 12 16:40:37 EDT 2016

Hi everybody

I have some problems here, I was trying to create a descriptor file, for a
data of ultraviolet radiation which is stored in HDF4. This is the
descriptor I've used,

DSET uvief20030101.hdf
DTYPE hdfsds
TITLE Ultraviolet Radiation Index (UVI)
UNDEF -100 _FillValue
XDEF 720 linear -180.0 0.5
YDEF 360 linear -90.0  0.5
ZDEF 1 levels 1
TDEF 1 linear 01jan2003 1dy
luvfield=>uv 0 y,x Ultraviolet Radiation Index UVI

I'm sharing the file also, if anyone could explaiin me what i'm doing wrong
I really appreciate it.

Best regards!
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