[gradsusr] Fortran to Read in GrADS Binary File
James T. Potemra
jimp at hawaii.edu
Tue Jul 5 13:53:55 EDT 2016
Hi Lydia,
The problem might be how you are creating the original file with your
GrADS script. Note the file should be exactly 4 times the (x,y,z,t)
ranges times the number of variables. It sounds like you have one less
in either x- or y-direction. In your script you have:
> 'set gxout fwrite'
> 'set fwrite -ap /Volumes/WebData/NLDAS2/DailyNLDAS/daily.bin'
> 'set t 1'
So the file daily.bin should be 4 times 464*224 times 4 variables times
number of time-steps. If not, you may want to add
'set x 1 496'
'set y 1 224'
after 'set t 1' and before you define your new variables.
Similarly, your output file should be exactly 163840 (32*32*10*4*4).
On 7/5/16 7:41 AM, Lydia Rill wrote:
> Thanks Chuck! I double checked the record length and it is indeed 4.
> Thank you Jim! Sorry my code was a little messy, I have tried many
> different methods.
> Good point about the lower left hand corner, that was one of the
> issues here.
> When I use 32 x steps, 32 y steps, and 10 time steps I use a record
> length of 4096 for the output file and I get a file size of 160K,
> which roughly matches 32*32*10*4*4 = 16385
> I am now getting realistic numbers for my output! However, when I
> display the data in GrADS for one time I get only parts of the 4x4
> degree box, by latitude, for each variable, instead of getting the
> data for each variable for the whole box. For example in the middle of
> the box I get tmax for 43.5-44N, tmin for 43-43.5N, prcp around 43N,
> and srad around 42.5N. Any ideas on why this is happening?
> Here is the updated code:
> integer irec,i,j,t,days
> character(len=100) infile,outfile
> real tmin(464,224),tmax(464,224),prcp(464,224),srad(464,224)
> infile='/Volumes/WebData/NLDAS2/DailyNLDAS/daily.bin'
> outfile='/Volumes/WebData/NLDAS2/Fortran/testdaily.bin'
> open(17,file=infile,form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=32*32*4,status="old")
> open(18,file=outfile,form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=32*32*4,status="unknown")
> days=10
> irec=1
> do t=1,days
> read(17,REC=irec) ((tmax(i,j),i=129,160),j=129,160)
> read(17,REC=irec+1) ((tmin(i,j),i=129,160),j=129,160)
> read(17,REC=irec+2) ((prcp(i,j),i=129,160),j=129,160)
> read(17,REC=irec+3) ((srad(i,j),i=129,160),j=129,160)
> write(18,REC=irec) ((tmax(i,j),i=129,160),j=129,160)
> write(18,REC=irec+1) ((tmin(i,j),i=129,160),j=129,160)
> write(18,REC=irec+2) ((prcp(i,j),i=129,160),j=129,160)
> write(18,REC=irec+3) ((srad(i,j),i=129,160),j=129,160)
> irec=irec+4
> enddo
> Here is the updated control file:
> dset ^testdaily.bin
> undef 9.999E+20
> title Daily NLDAS2 Data for 04Z through 03Z
> xdef 32 linear -108.93750.125
> ydef 32 linear 41.0625 0.125
> tdef 10 linear 00Z02Jan1979 1dy
> zdef 1 linear 1 1
> vars 4
> TMAX 0 12,105,2 ** maximum temperature at 2m above surface [C]
> TMIN 0 11,105,2 ** minimum temperature at 2m above surface [C]
> PRCP 0 61,1,0 ** total precipitation backward accumulated [kg/m^2 or mm]
> SRAD 0 204,1,0 ** total surface downward shortwave radiation flux [mJ/m^2]
> Thank you both so much for your help,
> Lydia
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:44 PM, James T. Potemra <jimp at hawaii.edu
> <mailto:jimp at hawaii.edu>> wrote:
> Hi Lydia,
> You have a couple problems. First, you are reading in tmax, tmin,
> prcp then srad, but then you write out tmin, tmin prcp and srad
> (tmin twice). Second, your program is reading and writing to the
> same variables, and then only the first 8x8 (lower left "corner"
> of the data sets). Perhaps these are all missing ?
> Finally, the record length is defined to be 464 by 224, then you
> only define (via read) and write the first 8 by 8, which should
> work ok, but recognize that the rest of the 464x224 array has not
> been defined. So, if you want to use your control file with "xdef
> 8" and "ydef 8" you'll need to change your "open" statement for
> the output file to be 8*8*4 and not 464*224*4. Alternately you
> could change the xdef/ydef lines.
> Note as a quick check, your output file should be 8*8*10*4*4
> (x*y*t*4) bytes large for that control file.
> Jim
> On 7/5/16 3:57 AM, Lydia Rill wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am a new grads user and I have never worked with binary files
>> before. I have a large binary file I created in grads (code shown
>> below). I want to split up the binary file by latitude and
>> longitude degree into smaller binary files. While this is
>> possible in GrADS, it is too slow for my needs, so I am trying to
>> do it in Fortran 90.
>> However, I am having problems reading the GrADS binary file in
>> Fortran. It gives me the missing value for each of my variables
>> at every time step and every location.
>> The binary file contains NLDAS 2 forcing data, with 464 x steps,
>> 224 y steps, and 13688 daily time steps for 4 variables (only 1 Z
>> level). It is a large file at 22GB, and I can successfully
>> display the variables in GrADS from this binary file. This binary
>> file was created from data in Grib files.
>> I have tried many various ways of reading in the binary data,
>> using x and y loops, or time loops, or looping through the 4
>> variables, but nothing has been successful.
>> I am working on a Mac (El Capitan).
>> Here is the GrADS script I used to create the binary file:
>> functionmain(args)
>> counthr=subwrd(args,1)
>> 'reinit'
>> 'open /Volumes/WebData/NLDAS2/ProcessingFiles/24hours.ctl'
>> 'set undef 9.999e20'
>> 'set gxout fwrite'
>> 'set fwrite -ap /Volumes/WebData/NLDAS2/DailyNLDAS/daily.bin'
>> 'set t 1'
>> t1=1+4
>> t1p=1+5
>> while(t1<=counthr+5-23)
>> t2=t1+23
>> t2p=t1p+23
>> 'd (max(TMP2m,t='t1',t='t2')-273.15)'
>> 'd (min(TMP2m,t='t1',t='t2')-273.15)'
>> 'd sum(APCPsfc,t='t1p',t='t2p')'
>> 'd (ave(DSWRFsfc,t='t1',t='t2')*24*3600/1000000)'
>> t1=t1+24
>> t1p=t1p+24
>> endwhile
>> 'quit'
>> Here is the Fortran script to read the binary file
>> ProgramReadbin
>> implicitnone
>> integer irec,i,j,t,days
>> real tmin(464,224),tmax(464,224),prcp(464,224),srad(464,224)
>> OPEN(17,file='/Volumes/WebData/NLDAS2/DailyNLDAS/daily.bin',&
>> OPEN(18,file='/Volumes/WebData/NLDAS2/DailyNLDAS/testdaily.bin',&
>> days=10
>> irec=1
>> do t=1,days
>> read(17,REC=irec) ((tmax(i,j),i=1,8),j=1,8)
>> read(17,REC=irec+1) ((tmin(i,j),i=1,8),j=1,8)
>> read(17,REC=irec+2) ((prcp(i,j),i=1,8),j=1,8)
>> read(17,REC=irec+3) ((srad(i,j),i=1,8),j=1,8)
>> write(18,REC=irec) ((tmin(i,j),i=1,8),j=1,8)
>> write(18,REC=irec+1) ((tmin(i,j),i=1,8),j=1,8)
>> write(18,REC=irec+2) ((prcp(i,j),i=1,8),j=1,8)
>> write(18,REC=irec+3) ((srad(i,j),i=1,8),j=1,8)
>> irec=irec+4
>> enddo
>> end program
>> The corresponding control file is:
>> set ^testdaily.bin
>> undef 9.999E+20
>> title Daily NLDAS2 Data for00Z through 23Z
>> xdef 8linear -124.93750.125
>> ydef 8linear 25.06250.125
>> tdef 10linear 00Z02Jan1979 1dy
>> zdef 1linear 11
>> vars 4
>> TMAX 012,105,2**maximum temperature at 2m above surface [C]
>> TMIN 011,105,2**minimum temperature at 2m above surface [C]
>> PRCP 061,1,0**total precipitation backward accumulated [kg/m^2ormm]
>> SRAD 0204,1,0**total surface downward shortwave radiation flux
>> [mJ/m^2]
>> Thanks,
>> Lydia
>> --
>> Lydia D. Rill
>> M.S., Michigan State University 2016
>> B.S., Valparaiso University 2014
>> (224) 406-5130
>> Lydia.D.Rill at gmail.com <mailto:Lydia.D.Rill at gmail.com>
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> --
> Lydia D. Rill
> M.S., Michigan State University 2016
> B.S., Valparaiso University 2014
> (224) 406-5130
> Lydia.D.Rill at gmail.com <mailto:Lydia.D.Rill at gmail.com>
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