[gradsusr] (no subject)

Gargi Akhoury gargiakhoury at bitmesra.ac.in
Thu Feb 25 06:30:58 EST 2016

Hello Everyone,
      I have a big problem. Whenever I am running without gs file below I
am getting the result. But with gs file I am not getting. Kindly, help me.
The gs file is below:

'set display color white'

'sdfopen mslp.nc'
'set grid off'
'set poli on'
'set lon 40 170'
'set lat 0 45'
'set time JAN1979 DEC2013'
'set grads off'
*'set gxout shp'
'set mpdset hires'
*'set lin 1'
*'draw shp'
'define jan=ave(pressure,t=1,t=420,12)*0.01'

'enable print jan'
'set parea off'
'set grads off'
'set xlopts 1 6 0.14'
'set ylopts 1 6 0.14'

*'set cint 2'
'set gxout shaded'
'set clevs 980 985 990 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020'
'set ccols 9 14 11 5 13 10 7 12 2 6 '
'd jan'
'set gxout contour'
'set ccolor 1'
'set clevs 983 987 993 997 1003 1007 1013 1017 1023'
*'set ccols 0'
'd jan'
'draw title January MSLP:1979-2013'

*'set string 2 t1 6 0'
*'set strsiz 0.13 0.13'
*'draw string 4.0 1.5 January MSLP 1949-2013'

'run cbarn'
*pull x

'disable print'
'!gxeps -c -i jan -o jan.png'
'printim jan.png'

Thanks & Regards
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