[gradsusr] How to Calculate Vector Wind composites using Grads

kalyan chakravarthy kalyan4space at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 23:32:09 EST 2016

Dear Users,

Good Morning. I want to calculate the vector wind composites during active
and break periods of monsoon season using grads. Below is the script used
to calculate the composites. But I think the script doesn't work well.

set xlopts 1 3 0.15
Set ylopts 1 3 0.15
Set arrowhead -0.4
sdfopen uwind850mb2009.nc
sdfopen vwind850mb2009.nc
set lat -40 30
set lon 30 120
set lev 850
set mpdset rupres
set background 0
set display color white
set map 1 1 15
set gxout vector
set cthick 8
define u1=ave(uwnd,t=31,t=50)
define v1=ave(vwnd.2,t=31,t=50)
define u2=ave(uwnd,t=56,t=75)
define v2=ave(vwnd.2,t=56,t=75)
define u=(u1+u2)/2
define v=(v1+v2)/2
d u;v
draw title 850mb Composite winds during break period 2009
printim Breakcomposite2009.jpg

Thanks & Regards,
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