[gradsusr] how to plot time series from a data with no linear time interval

Bimal Gyawali bml.gya at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 17:30:26 EDT 2016

Hello all,
Does anyone have used GRACE data before? I would like to plot time series
using GrADS but there are missing months. Also the time interval is
irregular. Is there any way to interpolate to those missing months? How can
i make it possible to plot time series which has irregular time interval?
Any help would be appreciated.
The GRACE data is downloaded from
Thank you.

*Bimal Gyawali*

* Graduate Research Assistant Department of Physical and Environment
Science Natural Resources Center Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Corpus
Christi, TX 78412 Tel: 435-881-3603*
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