[gradsusr] meteosat grib2 (grb) files

Wesley Ebisuzaki - NOAA Federal wesley.ebisuzaki at noaa.gov
Tue Apr 26 09:34:58 EDT 2016

Dear Athanasios,

There are two problems that need to overcome before displaying with GrADS.

1)  The file is using grib2 Product Definition Template (PDT) 4.30.   GrADS
      support PDT 4.30.   So the first step to convert to a PDT that GrADS
can handle
      such as PDT 4.0.   (You should consider making the grib file with PDT
4.0 unless
      you want to document the spectral bands that are being used.)

      to convert to PDT 4.0:    wgrib2 201604250700-fir.grb -set_pdt +0
-grib new-fir.grb
      requires a newer wgrib2

If you want to see the raw grid (space view perspective)

     g2ctl -raw new-fir.grb >new-fir.ctl
     gribmap -i new-fir.ctl

2)  The other problem is that GrADS doesn't have the code to handle
space-view perspective
       (orographic).   Wgrib2 to the rescue again.  Here we convert the
field to a
       longitude-latitude 0.1 degree global grid.

        wgrib2 new-fir.grb -set_grib_type c2 -lola 0:3600:0.1 -90:1801:0.1
lola-fir.grb grib

 GrADS/g2ctl can handle lola-fir.grb


On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 5:10 AM, Athanasios Karagiannidis <thankar at live.com>

> Hello to all.
> I'm trying to open and visualize the contents of the "fire detection
> indicator" parameter that is included in meteosat grib2 file like the one I
> attach.
> When trying to create the ctl file i get the following message.
> [...]$ g2ctl.pl -0 201604250700-fir.grb >201604250700-fir.ctl
> *** script needs to be modified ***
> unknown user-defined grid
> As a consequence the ctl file that is created can not be opened by gribmap
> [...]$ gribmap -0 -i 201604250700-fir.ctl
> Open Error:  missing XDEF record
> Open Error:  missing YDEF record
>   The data file was not opened
> and no idx file is created.
> Could someone provide any help?
> Athanasios F. Karagiannidis
> Physicist, PhD Meteorology and Climatology
> E-mail: thankar at live.com
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