[gradsusr] ave function error

吉田 敏哉 yoshida_t at storm.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jun 11 03:04:55 EDT 2015

Dear users,

I am using CFD output computed on Cartesian coordinates.
My ctl.file is as follows:

DSET    ^data10
UNDEF   -9.99E33
OPTIONS byteswapped
XDEF    1000 LINEAR 0.000 4.000
YDEF    250 LINEAR 2.000 4.000
0.500      1.550      2.705      3.976    ...
TDEF    1 LINEAR 00:01z01jan2000 1mn
VARS    3
u       105 99 u winds
w       105 99 w winds
v       105 99 v winds

When I use ave function for Y-axis direction, I have the following error:

ga-> d ave(u,y=24,y=250)
Averaging.  dim = 1, start = 24, end = 250
Error from AVE:  Internal logic check 100
Operation Error:  Error from ave function
  Error ocurred at column 1
DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
  Expression = ave(u,y=24,y=250)

If I change "ave(u,y=24,y=250)" to "ave(u,y=1,y=250)" , it work normally.
In addition, "ave(u,y=1,y=250)" and "ave(u,y=1,y=23)" are exactly the same
value so
I think ave function isn't working normally more than y=23.

I confirmed the CFD output was correct with GrADS and
this error only occur when I use ave function for Y-axis direction.

I tried using 2.0.21,2.0.2, 2.0.a9 and 2.1.a2 versions but all of them
don't work normally.
I didn't know what to do, do you have any ideas?

Thank you for being patient with my English.
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