[gradsusr] Google maps KML

James T. Potemra jimp at hawaii.edu
Thu Jul 9 02:24:46 EDT 2015

Hi Mike,

I think the -poly option will produce transparency at missing values, so 
you will need to set values that are currently displayed as grey to 
"missing".  You can do this using the grads function "maskout".


On 7/8/15 7:09 PM, Mike Manning wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m using a grads script to generate a KML file that I am using on 
> Google Maps using the ‘set kml –poly’ option.  I’ve set clevs and 
> ccols using custom colours:
> 'set clevs -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0'
> 'set ccols 50  51 52 53 54 70 55 56 57 58 59'
> This is for lifted index, so I only want to display from -10 to 0 on 
> the chart which it does but the problem is that ugly grey background 
> that I can’t get rid of. Does anyone know a way around this or is it a 
> glitch in Grads with KML that I just have to put up with when using –poly?
> Cheers, Mike
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