[gradsusr] Station data control file

Clement Agboma aclems at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 13:02:19 EDT 2015

You are right in terms of XDEF, YDEF, and ZDEF being used in station
control file. However, even by removing these from the control file,
my station data domain still read as:

LON set to 0 360
LAT set to -90 90
LEV set to 500 500
Time values set: 2006:1:1:0 2006:1:1:0
E set to 1 1

This is a global data coverage  but  my data only spans a small
watershed with coordinates provided earlier on. It is really confusing
why this is happening within GrADS.  Has anyone faced similar issue?


On 7/7/15, M.Mahakur <mmahakur at tropmet.res.in> wrote:
> You need to correct your .ctl file, No need to specify lon-lat coordinates
> in the GrADS DDF.
> Please see the documenation.
> XDEF, YDEF, and ZDEF These entries are not included in a station data
> control file
> (http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/aboutstationdata.html)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Clement Agboma <aclems at gmail.com>
> To: gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> Sent: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 19:46:26 +0530 (IST)
> Subject: [gradsusr] Station data control file
> Hello All,
> I am having lots of issues reading station data with a control file that I
> had used  multiple times in the past to open and view meteorological
> variable. I have a fortran program that generates a binary file and I use
> the stnmap utility to create the required  map file for inclusion in the
> station control file. My control file is attached.
> When I try to open the file in grads, and I use the "q dim" command, it
> gives a global coverage for my data domain as follows:
> ga-> q dim
> Default file number is: 1
> X is varying   Lon = 0 to 360   X = 0 to 360
> Y is varying   Lat = -90 to 90   Y = -90 to 90
> Z is fixed     Lev = 500  Z = 500
> T is fixed     Time = 00Z01JAN2006  T = 1
> My actual station data domain is:
> xdef 9 linear -103.7 0.3
> ydef 5 linear 51.8 0.3
> zdef 1 linear 1 1
> tdef 3287 linear 00Z01jan2006 1dy
> I have tried to use stnmap -1 -i  (my_control_file) as well as stnmap  -i
>  (my_control_file) to generate stnmap files for use in grads versions  1.94
> and 2.0.2 but the problem persist.
> Please can someone assist because I never had this problem in the past
> using this same control file.  A few people equally had this problem a
> while back but I didn't see any solution provided.
> Thanks,
> Clement Agboma (PhD, PGeo).
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