[gradsusr] Station data control file

Clement Agboma aclems at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 10:16:26 EDT 2015

Hello All,

I am having lots of issues reading station data with a control file that I
had used  multiple times in the past to open and view meteorological
variable. I have a fortran program that generates a binary file and I use
the stnmap utility to create the required  map file for inclusion in the
station control file. My control file is attached.

When I try to open the file in grads, and I use the "q dim" command, it
gives a global coverage for my data domain as follows:

ga-> q dim
Default file number is: 1
X is varying   Lon = 0 to 360   X = 0 to 360
Y is varying   Lat = -90 to 90   Y = -90 to 90
Z is fixed     Lev = 500  Z = 500
T is fixed     Time = 00Z01JAN2006  T = 1

My actual station data domain is:

xdef 9 linear -103.7 0.3
ydef 5 linear 51.8 0.3
zdef 1 linear 1 1
tdef 3287 linear 00Z01jan2006 1dy

I have tried to use stnmap -1 -i  (my_control_file) as well as stnmap  -i
 (my_control_file) to generate stnmap files for use in grads versions  1.94
and 2.0.2 but the problem persist.

Please can someone assist because I never had this problem in the past
using this same control file.  A few people equally had this problem a
while back but I didn't see any solution provided.


Clement Agboma (PhD, PGeo).
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