[gradsusr] Return keypress
Elio Campitelli
eliocampitelli at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 17:40:51 EDT 2015
Thanks. It is a possible avenue but I was thinking more of something that
didn't require the user to press "enter". For example, a way to plot, say,
pressure and cycle through time with left/right arrow and move up/down
levels with the up/down arrow.
Right now I'm using the mouseweel to move levels and right/left click to
move in time (so, my script is permanently in "q pos" state, waiting for
the user to click), but I'm wishing to expand it and to be able to cycle
through different variables using the keyboard.
Thank you again,
On 6 July 2015 at 16:57, Bob Kuligowski - NOAA Federal <
bob.kuligowski at noaa.gov> wrote:
> Dear Elio,
> *pull*
> To retrieve information provided by the GrADS user via the terminal
> (standard input), use the pull command:
> pull *variable*
> The script will pause for user input from the keyboard (ending with the
> carriage return), and then the string entered by the user is assigned to
> the indicated variable name. To elaborate on a previous example:
> 'open my_sst_dataset.ctl'
> prompt 'Enter min and max latitudes: '
> pull minlat maxlat
> prompt 'Enter min and max longitudes: '
> pull minlon maxlon
> 'set lat 'minlat%' '%maxlat
> 'set lon 'minlon' 'maxlon
> 'display sst'
> Source: http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/script.html#standardio
> Hope this helps!
> Cheers,
> Bob
> Hello, I'm trying to write a script so assist in a more interactive way
> with exploring different model outputs. My intent is to use mouse input
> (with q pos) but also keyboard input. Is there a way to let grads access
> key events by the user?
> Thank you!
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> Bob Kuligowski, Ph.D.
> Meteorologist
> NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
> Mailing Address:
> National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
> Bob Kuligowski
> 5830 University Research Court
> 2nd Floor, Office #2828
> College Park, MD 20740-3818
> Phone: (301) 683-3593
> Fax : (301) 683-3616
> http://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/star/Kuligowski_B.phphttp://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/smcd/emb/ff/index.php
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