[gradsusr] Plot Qvapor (domain averaged) vs height

Lyndon Mark Olaguera olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 02:24:47 EST 2015

Hi all,
I'd like to know how to plot Qvapor or any other hydrometeor vs. height.
Here's my sample script, but it does not work .

Any suggestions?

'open BMJ.ctl'
'set display color white'
'set grid off'
'set grads off'
'set z 1 20'
'set t 25'
*'set lon 120.8'
'define qave=aave(qvapor,lon=120.4,lon=121.9,lat=14.4,lat=14.8)'
'set t 25'
'define test=ave(qave,t=25,t=145)'
'd test'
'set x 1'
'set y 1'
'set grads off'
'set cint 1'
'set xaxis -1 1 0.001 '
'draw ylab height'
'draw xlab test'
*'draw title Global Average of U'
'printim test1.png'

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