[gradsusr] Hello to all users

AMS EmsiWx Bytča emsiwx at pocasie-bytca.sk
Wed Dec 23 17:21:07 EST 2015


or you can use program I have created for Windows. GFS Grib Manager.... 
download from : http://www.pocasie-bytca.sk/downloads/ggm.exe

You can set in program which variables to download, which levels, which 
model set, which forecast run, how many forecast steps, then create one 
big grib and idx and ctl, or create batch file fot windows
based on your settings.

Screenshot attached.


Dňa 23. 12. 2015 o 21:55 Masters.Steve napísal(a):
> Avi --
> Go to the link you provided below and, within the browser, check the 
> layers (500 mb, surface, others you may want), then check the 
> variables that you want, (SLP is “PRMSL”). Put in a latitude/longitude 
> range if you don’t want global data.  Then, under “View the URL”, 
> click the “Show URL…” button then click “Start download”.
> You should get a URL that has your custom request.   You can use this 
> URL as an argument for curl (or similar program) as…
> curl http://...  > gfsdata.grib2
> What comes back is in grib2 format.  Depending on your shell, you may 
> need to do some quoting of the URL to get the command to work.   Using 
> the Unix tcsh shell, I had to put the URL in double quotes.  This is a 
> great way to download limited subsets of the GFS or other large 
> modeling datasets.
> Steve Masters  masters.steve at ensco.com
> ENSCO, Inc.
> Melbourne, FL
> *From:*gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org 
> [mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] *On Behalf Of *avi kojokro
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:44 PM
> *To:* גראדס<gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
> *Subject:* [gradsusr] Hello to all users
> Will someone please explain to me how to download from this site grib 
> files in the attached link:
> http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/filter_gfs_0p25.pl?dir=%2Fgfs.2015122212 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__nomads.ncep.noaa.gov_cgi-2Dbin_filter-5Fgfs-5F0p25.pl-3Fdir-3D-252Fgfs.2015122212&d=CwMFaQ&c=DsZY2bea7iNIzyp-7sZ0t0F2UfNQZUfZhEPCv_2wBI0&r=VuUP78D2VHO8ziN7eh-DsCgmMeBUeha5u93niBuCCaE&m=QsISXMj0lDqlHgjwbZa-Yqc6UrSsTLL7egjerYCQ0WA&s=upuKHtVOXRCIjp5WHlRbcngtFkL-myTgpBXZBl3IPso&e=>
> Suppose I want to download this data :
> H 500
> T500
> T700
> T850
> etc......
> How do I do it, I tried it several times but I could not get the grib 
> files?
> Regards
> Avi.
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