[gradsusr] Maxloc Function

Mark Sponsler msponsler at comcast.net
Sun Apr 26 14:39:30 EDT 2015

Hello everyone,
I'm struggling with maxloc. For whatever reason - I cannot get valid results out of it

I'm using a simple 0.5 X 0.5 deg grid.

I can find the max value just fine.  It's the location of that value that is the issue.
Specifically selecting the correct record to read to obtain the x value (nxp3 in this example):

'd maxloc(max(htsgw,lat='lat1',lat='lat2'),lon='lon1',lon='lon2')'   rec=sublin(result,nxp3)

The last valid line of data from maxloc looks like this (the next line is undefined values):
        rec = MAXing.  dim = 1, start = 146, end = 286Where is the actual grib point or longitude where the max value is located?
The results I'm getting are the same for every time step in the grib file....  dim = 1

Or should I be looking somewhere else?

Thanks for your help.

Here's the whole script:

********************************* Define number of grid points to scan********************************
lon1 = 120lon2 = 255lat1 = -5lat2 = 65

nxp = (lon2-lon1)*       say '  nxp = 'nxpnyp = (lat2-lat1)*      say '  nyp = 'nyp*  Grid dimensions are 0.5 x 0.5nxp1 = nxp/0.5*    say 'nxp1 = 'nxp1nyp1 = nyp/0.5*    say 'nyp1 = 'nyp1nxp2 = math_int(nxp1)nyp2 = math_int(nyp1)*   say 'nxp2 nyp2 = 'nxp2' 'nyp2********************************* Find Max Longitude (x dim)********************************* There are 'nxp1' number of data points over the longitude range plus 1 for MAXLOCing* and 1 for the result value line. So add 2.  ******************************** nxp3 = (nxp2 + 2)     say 'nxp3 = 'nxp3'set gxout print''d maxloc(max(htsgw,lat='lat1',lat='lat2'),lon='lon1',lon='lon2')'   rec=sublin(result,nxp3)       say 'rec = 'rec   xc=subwrd(rec,4)        say 'Max height lon = 'xc********************************* Find max Latitude (y dim)********************************* There are 'nyp1' number of data points over the long range plus 1 for MAXLOCing * and 1 for the result value line. So add 2.  ******************************** nyp3 = (nyp2 + 2)     say 'nyp3 = 'nyp3'd maxloc(max(htsgw,lon='lon1',lon='lon2'),lat='lat1',lat='lat2')'   rec=sublin(result,nyp3)      say 'rec = 'rec   yc=subwrd(rec,4)     say 'Max height lat = 'yc       say 'location of max seas = 'xc' 'yc***************  Draw Max Location**************'q gr2xy 'xc' 'yc    rec2=sublin(result,1)      say 'rec2 = 'rec2    xc2 = subwrd(result,3)    yc2 = subwrd(result,6)      say 'Max Height coords = 'xc2' 'yc2

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