[gradsusr] W vector on north-south transect

Jonathan Wynn Smith jwsmith9 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 13:33:27 EDT 2014

Good afternoon:

'a = ave(U.1,t=289,t=1008,1)*100'
'b = ave(V.1,t=289,t=1008,1)*100'

'c = ave(W.1,t=289, t=1008)*100'
"xcbar 1 10 0.3 0.5 -fw 0.175 -fh 0.175 -line on"

"set gxout vector"
'd skip(c,6,3);skip(u,6,3)'

Above, GrADS is displaying a north-south transect of carbon monoxide with
vertical motion vectors.

The W variable will not display vectors by itself. I actually will display
W contours but I need vectors. It seems that there has to be one of the
horizontal variables displayed in conjunction W for vectors to display.  I
chose U in the above case.  Does this mean the U component of the vertical

Is it possible to print out the W vectors without the U or V components?

I have attached a figure of what I am referring to.


*Jonathan Wynn Smith, Ph.D.*
jonathan.smith at noaa.gov
Postdoctoral Research Associate
National Academy of Science/National Research Council Associateship
5830 University Research Ct.
College Park, MD 20740-3818

*Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have
done for us. - Isaiah 26:12*
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