[gradsusr] Calculating Wet-Bulb Temperature

Perry, Aaron @ LSC Aaron.Perry at lsc.vsc.edu
Thu Nov 20 12:13:10 EST 2014

Good Afternoon All,

I'm currently in need of a way to correctly calculate Wet-Bulb Temperature.  I've been playing around with using Dew Point, Relative Humidity, and Surface Pressure but, it doesn't seem to be correct:

'define tc = (tmp2m.1-273.15)'
'define tdc = (dpt2m.1-273.15)'
'define e = 6.11*pow(10,7.5*tdc/(237.7+tdc))'
'define es = 6.11*pow(10,7.5*tc/(237.7+tc))'
'define rh = (e/es)*100'

'define pres = pressfc.1'

'define w2 = 0.622*(e/pres)'
'define wb = tc-(((((0.622*es)/pres)-w2)*2499)/(1.004+1.84*w2))'
'define wetbulb = (wb*(9/5)+32)'

Onward and Upward,

Aaron D. Perry
Atmospheric Sciences
Lyndon State College
Class of 2016
Boston, MA
Twitter: @AaronPerryLSC<https://twitter.com/AaronPerryLSC>
Web: shearanalytics.net<http://shearanalytics.net/>
Mobile: 617-780-4312
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