[gradsusr] could not plot latitude vs time (at average over longitude 120 to 180)

Sourabh Bal sourabhbal at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 09:07:20 EST 2014

Dear All GrADs users,

Please help me to solve this problem.
 I have two files (attached), file1=precipitation of ssw yrs and
file2=climatology. I want to calculate the anomalies by taking the
difference. So I started with the following script. In order to use tloop
and plot latitude vs time I had to fix the longitude to 180. When I am
changing the value of the set latitude to say 120, 130, 140..I am getting
different anomalies plot. Finally, Please suggest how to calculate the t
test(standard deviation) over the same plot as shaded.

Thank you in advance

'open SSt12.precip.lon-lat.allssws.ctl'
'open SSt12.lat-lon.precip.allssws.climatology.ctl'

'set lat -90 90'
'set lon 180'
'set t 1 21'
'set xyrev on'
'set gxout contour'
'set csmooth on'
'set grads off'
'set grid off'
'set clab on'
'set xlabs 10|9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10'
'd xx1-xx2'

'draw title zonal precipitation (120-180E) for all warmings (SSt12)'

'set string 1 tr 6'
'set strsiz 0.1'
'draw string 10 0.7 [mm/day]'

'set string 1 c 6'
'set strsiz 0.1'
'draw string 5 0.7 days before and after SSW event'

'enable print figure1.zonalpre120-180E.mf'
'disable print'
'!./gxeps -c -i figure1.zonalpre120-180E.mf -o

Dr. Sourabh Bal
Post-Doc Fellow
Institute of Meteorology, Freie Universitat, Berlin
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