[gradsusr] How to use 'tcorr' command to calculate correlation for CMIP5 data

lzf liuzf406 at 126.com
Fri Nov 14 09:09:13 EST 2014

Dear grads user,
I am trying to use 'tcorr' command to calculate correlation between ENSO3.4 and 500-mb-hgt. All data are winter (djf) mean time series derived from CMIP5 data, and the script is below. I run this successfully on reanalyis data, but it doesn't work for CMIP5 data.

'sdfopen ts_Amon_IPSL-CM5A-LR_historical_r1-6i1p1_185001-200512.djfm.ean.nc'
'sdfopen zg_Amon_IPSL-CM5A-LR_historical_r1-6i1p1_500mb_185001-200512.djf.mean.nc'
'set x 1'
'set y 1'
'set z 1' 
'set t 1 155'
'define enso34=aave(ts.1,lon=-170,lon=-120,lat=-5,lat=5)'
'set lon -180 180'
'set lat -90 90'
'set z 1'
'set t 1'
'define r=tcorr(enso34,zg.2,t=1,t=155)'
'd r'

But this fails to work, and the error shows as fellow: 
SDF: The double precision values of the variable lon_bnds will be automatically converted to single precision
SDF: The double precision values of the variable lat_bnds will be automatically converted to single precision
Data request warning: request beyond file limits

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

All the best,
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