[gradsusr] Multiple netcdf files in one control file

Charles Seman - NOAA Federal charles.seman at noaa.gov
Mon May 12 18:22:10 EDT 2014


from http://grads.iges.org/grads/gadoc/descriptorfile.html#VARS
(DTYPE netcdf,
hdfsds, or hdf5_grid) 	

(GrADS version 1.9) For DTYPE netcdf or hdfsds or hdf5_grid (GrADS 
version 2.0.a7+) , the units field is a comma-delimited list of the 
varying dimensions of the variable. Dimensions expressed as x, y, z, or 
t correspond to the four axes defined by XDEF, YDEF, ZDEF and TDEF. For 
example, a surface variable such as sea level pressure might look like this:

     presSFC=>psfc   0   y,x   Surface Pressure

would the above apply since you are using "dtype netcdf"?

Hope this helps,

On 05/12/2014 03:11 PM, James T. Potemra wrote:
> Mehwish,
> I think the problem is your file names contain different decades, so in
> your .ctl file where you have:
> DSET  cru_ts3.21.%x31.%x30.tmp.dat.nc
> the %x3 will be the same.  For example, the first time through the
> substitution will be 197, or
> DSET cru_ts3.21.1971.1970.tmp.dat.nc
> One way around this would be to instead use chsub:
> DSET ^cru_ts3.21.%ch.tmp.dat.nc
> CHSUB     1  120 1971.1980
> CHSUB 121  240 1981.1990
> CHSUB 241  360 1991.2000
> OPTIONS template
> DTYPE netcdf
> More details at http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/templates.html
> Jim
> On 5/11/14 9:02 PM, Malleswararao Maguluri wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    Better to use cdo for calculating climatology. otherwise you can
>> combine your decadal files as a single file using cat command in cdo
>> and use it as input to grads.
>> Thanks & regards,
>> On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 12:18 PM, mehwish ramzan
>> <mehwish.ramzan at gmail.com <mailto:mehwish.ramzan at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Dear GrADS community,
>>     I am trying to merge multiple netcdf files into one control file
>>     so that i can calculate the climatology of 25 years. The data is
>>     available in decadal format like this;
>>     cru_ts3.21.1971.1980.tmp.dat.nc
>>     <http://cru_ts3.21.1971.1980.tmp.dat.nc>
>>     cru_ts3.21.1981.1990.tmp.dat.nc
>>     <http://cru_ts3.21.1981.1990.tmp.dat.nc>
>>     cru_ts3.21.1991.2000.tmp.dat.nc
>>     <http://cru_ts3.21.1991.2000.tmp.dat.nc>
>>     cru_ts3.21.1991.2000.tmp.dat.nc
>>     <http://cru_ts3.21.1991.2000.tmp.dat.nc>
>>     while the information of one .nc file is as;
>>     File 1 : CRU TS3.21 Mean Temperature
>>     Descriptor: cru_ts3.21.1971.1980.tmp.dat.nc
>>     <http://cru_ts3.21.1971.1980.tmp.dat.nc>
>>     Binary: cru_ts3.21.1971.1980.tmp.dat.nc
>>     <http://cru_ts3.21.1971.1980.tmp.dat.nc>
>>     Type = Gridded
>>     Xsize = 720Ysize = 360Zsize = 1Tsize = 120
>>     Number of Variables = 1
>>     tmp 0 -999 near-surface temperature
>>     By following some previous posts regarding same issue, according
>>     to my understanding i prepared one ctl file which can be used as a
>>     combination of above four separate files. The .ctl file is as follows;
>>     DSETcru_ts3.21.%x31.%x30.tmp.dat.nc <http://x30.tmp.dat.nc>
>>     OPTIONS template
>>     DTYPE netcdf
>>     XDEF 720 linear -89.75 89.75
>>     YDEF 360 linear 0 360
>>     ZDEF1 linear 1000
>>     TDEF 480 linear jan1971 1mo
>>     vars 1
>>     tmp 099 near-surface temperature
>>     endvars
>>     But when i tried to open this control file. It give error message;
>>     Invalid variable record
>>     --> The invalid description file record is:
>>     --> tmp 0 -999 near-surface temperature
>>     The data file was not opened.
>>     I know i am making mistake in preparing ctl file but i don't know
>>     how to put right information ?
>>     Please help me in solving this issue.
>>     Thank You
>>     With Best Regards,
>>     Mehwish
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>> M.Tech (Atmospheric Science) & M.Sc (Physics)
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Please note that Charles.Seman at noaa.gov should be considered my NOAA
email address, not cjs at gfdl.noaa.gov.

  Charles Seman                                Charles.Seman at noaa.gov
  U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA / OAR
  Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory         voice: (609) 452-6547
  201 Forrestal Road                              fax: (609) 987-5063
  Princeton, NJ  08540-6649            http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/~cjs/

"The contents of this message are mine personally and do not reflect any
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