[gradsusr] strange problem displaying grib1 file

Donald Van Dyke don.vandyke at noaa.gov
Thu Mar 27 19:26:21 EDT 2014


I am trying to display any variable from this grib1 file 
but no matter what I try, I always seem to get a "Cannot contour grid - 
all undefined values" error.  I attached the control file that 
grib2ctl.pl gives me.  I have tried it both with and without the -verf 
option with no luck.  I am at a loss as to what to do as I've never had 
this problem before.  Neither grib2ctl.pl nor gribmap gives me any 
errors.  It is probably something very simple that I'm overlooking.  Can 
anyone solve it?  Thanks.



Don Van Dyke
General Forecaster
WSR-88D, Storm Data, and Verification Focal Points
NWS Tallahassee, FL
(850) 942-8833

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dset ^wrf4nssl_2014032712.f36.CHS_subset
index ^wrf4nssl_2014032712.f36.CHS_subset.idx
undef 9.999E+20
title wrf4nssl_2014032712.f36.CHS_subset
*  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.6
dtype grib 255
pdef 196 150 lccr 30.499000 274.513000 1 1 60.000000 30.000000 -98.000000 4000 4000
xdef 196 linear -85.487 0.042202915358053
ydef 150 linear 30.499000 0.0363636363636364
tdef 1 linear 00Z29mar2014 1mo
*  z has 7 levels, for hag
zdef 7 levels
10 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
vars 95
no5WAVAsfc  0 230,1,0  ** surface 5-wave geopot. height anomaly [gpm]
APCPsfc  0 61,1,0  ** surface Total precipitation [kg/m^2]
BGRUNsfc  0 234,1,0  ** surface Baseflow-groundwater runoff [kg/m^2]
CAPEsfc  0 157,1,0  ** surface Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
CAPE250_0mb  0 157,116,64000 ** 250-0 mb above gnd Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
CINsfc  0 156,1,0  ** surface Convective inhibition [J/kg]
CIN250_0mb  0 156,116,64000 ** 250-0 mb above gnd Convective inhibition [J/kg]
CLWMRsig   0 153,107,0000 ** sigma=.  Cloud water [kg/kg]
CNWAT400_1000mb  0 223,101,10340 ** 400-1000 mb Plant canopy surface water [kg/m^2]
DPT2m  0 17,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Dew point Temperature [K]
DSWRFsfc  0 204,1,0  ** surface Downward short wave flux [W/m^2]
DZDT925mb  0 40,100,925 ** 925 mb Geometric vertical velocity [m/s]
DZDT850mb  0 40,100,850 ** 850 mb Geometric vertical velocity [m/s]
DZDT700mb  0 40,100,700 ** 700 mb Geometric vertical velocity [m/s]
DZDT500mb  0 40,100,500 ** 500 mb Geometric vertical velocity [m/s]
DZDT250mb  0 40,100,250 ** 250 mb Geometric vertical velocity [m/s]
DZDThag 6 40,105,0 ** (profile) Geometric vertical velocity [m/s]
DZDTsg50_80   0 40,108,12880 ** sigma=0.5-0.8 layer Geometric vertical velocity [m/s]
ELONsfc  0 177,1,0  ** surface Longitude (0-360) [deg]
FRICVsfc  0 253,1,0  ** surface Friction velocity [m/s]
G12SBT40_3000m   0 215,106,7680 ** 0-3000 m above ground GOES12 Simulated Brightness Temperatures, 10.7 micron [K]
G12SBT42000_5000m   0 215,106,12820 ** 2000-5000 m above ground GOES12 Simulated Brightness Temperatures, 10.7 micron [K]
G12SBT41000_6000m   0 215,106,15370 ** 1000-6000 m above ground GOES12 Simulated Brightness Temperatures, 10.7 micron [K]
GRPLMRsig   0 179,107,0000 ** sigma=.  Graupel mixing ratio [kg/kg]
GRPLMRclm  0 179,200,0 ** atmos column Graupel mixing ratio [kg/kg]
HGTsfc  0 7,1,0  ** surface Geopotential height [gpm]
HGT925mb  0 7,100,925 ** 925 mb Geopotential height [gpm]
HGT850mb  0 7,100,850 ** 850 mb Geopotential height [gpm]
HGT700mb  0 7,100,700 ** 700 mb Geopotential height [gpm]
HGT500mb  0 7,100,500 ** 500 mb Geopotential height [gpm]
HGT250mb  0 7,100,250 ** 250 mb Geopotential height [gpm]
HGT0m  0 7,105,0 ** 0 m above ground Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTl215  0 7,215,0  ** unknown level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTadcl  0 7,5,0 ** adiabatic lifting condensation level Geopotential height [gpm]
HLCY0_1000m   0 190,106,2560 ** 0-1000 m above ground Storm relative helicity [m^2/s^2]
HLCY0_3000m   0 190,106,7680 ** 0-3000 m above ground Storm relative helicity [m^2/s^2]
HPBLsfc  0 221,1,0  ** surface Planetary boundary layer height [m]
ICMRsig   0 178,107,0000 ** sigma=.  Ice mixing ratio [kg/kg]
LFTX500_1000mb  0 131,101,12900 ** 500-1000 mb Surface lifted index [K]
MAXVIGclm  0 239,200,0 ** atmos column Maximum integrated Column graupel [kg/m^2]
MFLUXsfc  0 231,1,0  ** surface Convective cloud mass flux [Pa/s]
NLATsfc  0 176,1,0  ** surface Latitude (-90 to +90) [deg]
NLGSP400_1000mb  0 220,101,10340 ** 400-1000 mb Natural log of surface pressure [ln(kPa)]
OZMAX8clm  0 232,200,0 ** atmos column Ozone daily max from 8-hour ave [ppbV]
PEVAPsfc  0 228,1,0  ** surface Pot. evaporation [kg/m^2]
PREIX10m  0 218,105,10 ** 10 m above ground Precip index (0.0-1.00) [fraction]
PRESsfc  0 1,1,0  ** surface Pressure [Pa]
PRMSLmsl  0 2,102,0 ** mean-sea level Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
PWATclm  0 54,200,0 ** atmos column Precipitable water [kg/m^2]
REFCclm  0 212,200,0 ** atmos column Composite Radar Reflectivity [dbZ]
REFDhag 2 211,105,0 ** (profile) Simulated Radar Reflectivity [dbZ]
RHMIN10m  0 217,105,10 ** 10 m above ground Minimum Relative Humumidity [%]
RHMIN26315cK  0 217,20,26315 ** 263.15K level Minimum Relative Humumidity [%]
RWMRsig   0 170,107,0000 ** sigma=.  Rain water mixing ratio [kg/kg]
SIPDsfc  0 236,1,0  ** surface Supercooled large droplet (SLD) icing pot. diagn. []
SNMRsig   0 171,107,0000 ** sigma=.  Snow mixing ratio [kg/kg]
SNOHFsfc  0 229,1,0  ** surface Snow phase-change heat flux [W/m^2]
SPFH925mb  0 51,100,925 ** 925 mb Specific humidity [kg/kg]
SPFH850mb  0 51,100,850 ** 850 mb Specific humidity [kg/kg]
SPFH700mb  0 51,100,700 ** 700 mb Specific humidity [kg/kg]
SPFH500mb  0 51,100,500 ** 500 mb Specific humidity [kg/kg]
SPFH250mb  0 51,100,250 ** 250 mb Specific humidity [kg/kg]
SPFH2m  0 51,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Specific humidity [kg/kg]
SSRUNsfc  0 235,1,0  ** surface Storm surface runoff [kg/m^2]
TCOLCclm  0 140,200,0 ** atmos column Total Column Condensate [kg/m^2]
TCSRG70clm  0 247,200,0 ** atmos column 70% tropical cyclone storm exceedance [m]
TCSRG80clm  0 248,200,0 ** atmos column 80% tropical cyclone storm exceedance [m]
TCSRG90clm  0 249,200,0 ** atmos column 90% tropical cyclone storm exceedance [m]
TMPsfc  0 11,1,0  ** surface Temperature [K]
TMP925mb  0 11,100,925 ** 925 mb Temperature [K]
TMP850mb  0 11,100,850 ** 850 mb Temperature [K]
TMP700mb  0 11,100,700 ** 700 mb Temperature [K]
TMP500mb  0 11,100,500 ** 500 mb Temperature [K]
TMP250mb  0 11,100,250 ** 250 mb Temperature [K]
TMP2m  0 11,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Temperature [K]
TSOIL0_10cm  0 85,112,10 ** 0-10 cm underground Soil Temperature [K]
UGRD925mb  0 33,100,925 ** 925 mb U-Wind Component [m/s]
UGRD850mb  0 33,100,850 ** 850 mb U-Wind Component [m/s]
UGRD700mb  0 33,100,700 ** 700 mb U-Wind Component [m/s]
UGRD500mb  0 33,100,500 ** 500 mb U-Wind Component [m/s]
UGRD250mb  0 33,100,250 ** 250 mb U-Wind Component [m/s]
UGRDhag 7 33,105,0 ** (profile) U-Wind Component [m/s]
UICEclm  0 95,200,0 ** atmos column u of ice drift [m/s]
UPHL2000_5000m   0 227,106,12820 ** 2000-5000 m above ground Updraft Helicity in a Layer [m^2/s^2]
UTRFsfc  0 233,1,0  ** surface Upward total radiation flux [W/m^2]
UVVMAXclm  0 237,200,0 ** atmos column Maximum Upward Vertical Velocity from 1000 to 400mb [m/s]
VGRD925mb  0 34,100,925 ** 925 mb V-Wind Component [m/s]
VGRD850mb  0 34,100,850 ** 850 mb V-Wind Component [m/s]
VGRD700mb  0 34,100,700 ** 700 mb V-Wind Component [m/s]
VGRD500mb  0 34,100,500 ** 500 mb V-Wind Component [m/s]
VGRD250mb  0 34,100,250 ** 250 mb V-Wind Component [m/s]
VGRDhag 7 34,105,0 ** (profile) V-Wind Component [m/s]
VICEclm  0 96,200,0 ** atmos column v of ice drift [m/s]
VISsfc  0 20,1,0  ** surface Visibility [m]
WTMPsfc  0 80,1,0  ** surface Water Temperature [K]

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