[gradsusr] netcdf file read

Jeff Duda jeffduda319 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 12:05:59 EDT 2014

This part of your var entries probably has errors:

  pH2SO4=>ph2so4  25 *28,t,z,y,x* pH2SO4 (the underline and bold portion)

That entry needs to reflect the order in which the array is built in the
netCDF file.  The order can be seen when examining output from ncdump -h
(look at the entry for each particular array).  I'm going to guess that
first integer you have listed should not be there (unless your data has a
fifth dimension that is somehow a function of some other variable such that
it is that different between the different arrays).

If you need further help with this, please send output from ncdump -h on
your file.

Jeff Duda

On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 12:51 AM, Naseema Beegum Shyju <Nshyju at masdar.ac.ae>

>  Dear all,
> I am trying to read netcdf file in grads (did not work sdfopen). I have
> created a ctl file as given below, after noting down the dimensions and
> variables using ncview.
> But while displaying it shows the error  message " Index exceeds dimension
> bound Data Request Error:"
> Please help me..
> SET ^out.20140312_20140316_M12.nc
> UNDEF  1.e35
> XDEF 86 LINEAR 48.5 0.10
> YDEF 75 LINEAR 22.0 0.10
> ZDEF 8  LINEAR 1  1
> TDEF 25 LINEAR 00Z12mar2014 1HR
> VARS  36
>  H2O2=>h2o2 25  0,x,y,z,t H2O2
>  HCNM=>hcnm 25 1,t,z,y,x HCNM
>  HNO3=>hno3 25 2,t,z,y,x HNO3
>  HONO=>hono 25 3,t,z,y,x HONO
>  HOX=>hox 25 4,t,z,y,x HOX
>  NO=>no   25 5,t,z,y,x NO
>  NO2=>no2  25 6,t,z,y,x NO2
>  NOX=>nox  25 7,t,z,y,x NOX
>  NOY=>noy  25 8,t,z,y,x NOY
>  O3=>o3   25 9,t,z,y,x O3
>  OX=>ox  25 10,t,z,y,x OX
>  PAN=>pan  25 11,t,z,y,x PAN
>  PM10=>pm10 25 12,t,z,y,x PM10
>  PM10ant=>pm10ant 25 13,t,z,y,x PM10ant
>  PM10bio=>pm10bio 25 14,t,z,y,x PM10bio
>  PM25=>pm25    25 15,t,z,y,x PM25
>  PM25ant=>pm25ant 25 16,t,z,y,x PM25ant
>  PM25bio=>pm25bio 25 17,t,z,y,x PM25bio
>  ROOH=>rooh    25 18,t,z,y,x ROOH
>  SO2=>so2    25 19,t,z,y,x SO2
>  TOTPAN=>totpan  25 20,t,z,y,x TOTPAN
>  airm=>airm    25 21,t,z,y,x airm
>  hlay=>hlay    25 22,t,z,y,x hlay
>  pAnA10=>pana10  25 23,t,z,y,x pAn10
>  pAnBmp=>panbmp  25 24,t,z,y,x pAnBmp
>  pBiA10=>pbia10  25 25,t,z,y,x pBiA10
>  pBiBmP=>pbibmp  25 26,t,z,y,x pBiBmP
>  pDust=>pdust   25 27,t,z,y,x pDust
>  pH2SO4=>ph2so4  25 28,t,z,y,x pH2SO4
>  phno3=>pHNO3   25 29,t,z,y,x pHNO3
>  pISOPA1=>pisopa1 25 30,t,z,y,x pISOPA1
>  pNH3=>pnh3    25 31,t,z,y,x pNH3
>  pPPM=>pppm    25 32,t,z,y,x pPPM
>  pWATER=>pwater 25 33,t,z,y,x pWATER
>  relh=>relh    25 34,t,z,y,x relh
>  temp=>temp    25 35,t,z,y,x temp
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Jeff Duda
Graduate research assistant
University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
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