[gradsusr] Problems with plotting

Eric Altshuler ela at cola.iges.org
Wed Jan 29 22:40:38 EST 2014

Dear Jose, 

Looking at the contour values, it seems like you have the wrong undef value. Try using: 

undef -9.99e8 

See if that helps. 

Best regards, 

Eric L. Altshuler 
Research Scientist 
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies 
253 Research Hall, Mail Stop 6C5 
George Mason University 
4400 University Drive 
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA 

E-mail: ela at cola.iges.org 
Phone: (703) 993-5725 
Fax: (703) 993-5770 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jose Augusto Paixão Veiga" <veiga.uea at gmail.com> 
To: "GrADS Users Forum" <gradsusr at gradsusr.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:32:00 PM 
Subject: [gradsusr] Problems with plotting 

Dear users of GrAds, 

I am facing problems to plot rainfall data extracted from CPC source. 

As I use fortran programs to deal with some specific calculations sometimes I need to extract data from some source and record it in a bin file to be read in my fortran programs. 

This time, after I'd selected rainfall data from a CPC ctl I get some problems to visualise the data. The figure is attached. I believe I have to include some specific option in OPTIONS of my CTL. 

Helps and suggestions will be very appreciative. 


My CTL file is: 

dset prec-cpc-1980-2000.bin 
title global daily analysis (grid box mean, the grid shown is the center of the grid box) 
options little_endian 
undef -999.0 
xdef 720 linear 0.25 0.50 
ydef 360 linear -89.75 0.50 
zdef 1 linear 1 1 
tdef 12 linear 01jan1979 1dy 
vars 1 
rain 1 00 the grid analysis (0.1mm/day) 

The original CTL were I had extracted the data is: 

dset %y4/PRCP_CU_GAUGE_V1.0GLB_0.50deg.lnx.%y4%m2%d2 
title global daily analysis (grid box mean, the grid shown is the center of the grid box) 
options little_endian template 
undef -999.0 
xdef 720 linear 0.25 0.50 
ydef 360 linear -89.75 0.50 
zdef 1 linear 1 1 
tdef 12419 linear 01jan1979 1dy 
vars 2 
rain 1 00 the grid analysis (0.1mm/day) 
gnum 1 00 the number of stn 

José Augusto P. Veiga, 

Coordenador do curso de Meteorologia da UEA 
Universidade do Estado do Amazonas 
Departamento de Meteorologia 
Escola Superior de Tecnologia (EST) 
Av. Darcy Vargas, 1200, Manaus-AM Brasil 
Work phone: (92) 3878 4333, Ramal 4333 
Cell phone : (92) 8196 7122 
Skype: veiga_j.a.p. 

CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4027612512091565 
URL: http://scientificmet.wordpress.com/ 

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