[gradsusr] Problems with plotting

Jose Augusto Paixão Veiga veiga.uea at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 21:32:00 EST 2014

Dear users of GrAds,

I am facing problems to plot rainfall data extracted from CPC source.

As I use fortran programs to deal with some specific calculations sometimes
I need to extract data from some source and record it in a bin file to be
read in my fortran programs.

This time, after I'd selected rainfall data from a CPC ctl I get some
problems to visualise the data. The figure is attached. I believe I have to
include some specific option in OPTIONS of my CTL.

Helps and suggestions will be very appreciative.


My CTL file is:

*dset prec-cpc-1980-2000.bin*
*title global daily analysis (grid box mean, the grid shown is the center
of the grid box)*
*options little_endian*
*undef -999.0*
*xdef   720 linear  0.25  0.50*
*ydef   360 linear  -89.75  0.50*
*zdef 1 linear  1 1*
*tdef 12 linear 01jan1979 1dy*
*vars 1*
*rain  1  00 the grid analysis (0.1mm/day)*

The original CTL were I had extracted the data is:

*dset %y4/PRCP_CU_GAUGE_V1.0GLB_0.50deg.lnx.%y4%m2%d2*
*title global daily analysis (grid box mean, the grid shown is the center
of the grid box)*
*options  little_endian template*
*undef -999.0*
*xdef   720 linear  0.25  0.50*
*ydef   360 linear  -89.75  0.50*
*zdef 1 linear  1 1*
*tdef 12419 linear 01jan1979 1dy*
*vars 2*
*rain  1  00 the grid analysis (0.1mm/day)*
*gnum  1  00 the number of stn*

José Augusto P. Veiga,

Coordenador do curso de Meteorologia da UEA
Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Departamento de Meteorologia
Escola Superior de Tecnologia (EST)
Av. Darcy Vargas, 1200, Manaus-AM Brasil
Work phone:    (92) 3878 4333, Ramal 4333
Cell   phone :    (92) 8196 7122
Skype: veiga_j.a.p.
CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4027612512091565
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