[gradsusr] Problem With Running GrADS Bash Script In Crontab
jakubguzikowski at o2.pl
jakubguzikowski at o2.pl
Tue Jan 28 10:48:57 EST 2014
I think you should add in head of ./nam4.sh file path to catalog where do you have ./nam4.sh file.
cd /home/..../catalog with nam4.sh
Dnia 28 stycznia 2014 16:06 Angelo Bertozzi <angelo.bertozzi at meteocenter.it> napisał(a):
hi Aaron 1) have you tryed to check the $PATH and to excecutables in the /etc/crontab file header? some standard path (ex: /usr/local/bin) maybe missing making the system not able to localize executables or commands2) if you edited directly the file /etc/crontab, the user specification is missing, the correct syntax is 15 14 * * * some-user /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./gfs_sflux_t2m.sh
48 22 * * * some-user /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./gfs_sflux_t2m.sh
2014-01-28 Perry, Aaron @ LSC <Aaron.Perry at lsc.vsc.edu>
Good Morning All,
I'm currently having an issue with running a bash script in Crontab. I believe that I have the permissions set correctly for the bash scripts and the scripts are set to be executable.
Basically, I'd like to run the scripts 4 times a day for each model run (00Z, 06Z, 12Z, 18Z) and I thought that I had that setup correctly but, apparently not.
Here's what I have set in crontab:
40 02 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./nam4.sh
30 08 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./nam4.sh
15 14 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./nam4.sh
20 20 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./nam4.sh
40 02 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./nam12.sh
30 08 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./nam12.sh
15 14 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./nam12.sh
20 20 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./nam12.sh
39 02 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./gfs_sflux_t2m.sh
30 08 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./gfs_sflux_t2m.sh
15 14 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./gfs_sflux_t2m.sh
48 22 * * * /home/muaddib/grads/get_nomads/bash/./gfs_sflux_t2m.sh
Onward and Upward,
Aaron D. Perry
Boston, MA
Lyndon State College '16
Twitter: @AaronPerryLSC
Mobile: 617-780-4312
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Bertozzi AngeloMeteorologist - HPCC admin & researchAtmospheric and Environmental numerical modeling division - headOffice 0546-450822METEOCENTER SrlParco delle Arti e delle Scienze "TORRICELLI" - Via Albert Einstein, 8 - 48018 FAENZA (RA) - ITALYLinkedin http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=60857488
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