[gradsusr] question
Rick Danielson
onto.limbo at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 17:54:50 EST 2014
Hi Stephen,
If there are no other options, the following may help as a scripted
solution, but only if you have preprojected data including the variables
for latitude and longitude (which the script has hardcoded as "qs_lat"
and "qs_lon", so at least these must be changed; it would be slightly
surprising if a more extensive edit weren't required, however).
On 02/26/2014 10:35 PM, Stephen J. Colucci wrote:
> Does anyone know how to label latitudes and longitudes on a polar
> stereographic projection? This doesn't appear (to me) to be an option
> with this map type. Thanks. . .Steve Colucci
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* This script plots lat and lon labels for a
* satellite acquistion that isn't aligned along
* lats and lons. The script is executed using
* commands such as
* "set strsiz 0.10 0.10"
* "set line 1 1 4"
* "run disp_scat_latlon 0.05 1 1 0 0"
* where strsiz controls the label size - RD April 2004.
function latlon(args)
dela = 2
delta = subwrd(args,1)
left = subwrd(args,2)
right = subwrd(args,3)
bottom = subwrd(args,4)
top = subwrd(args,5)
if (delta = "") ; delta = 0.08 ; endif ;* length of tick marks
if (left = "") ; left = 1; endif ;* 1 = plot labels along axis
if (right = "") ; right = 1; endif
if (bottom = "") ; bottom = 1; endif
if (top = "") ; top = 0; endif
"q dims" ;* retain the original view
rec = sublin(result,5)
if (subwrd(rec,3) = "varying")
tmin = subwrd(rec,11)
tmax = subwrd(rec,13)
tvar = "varying"
tval = subwrd(rec,9)
tvar = "fixed"
rec = sublin(result,4)
if (subwrd(rec,3) = "varying")
zmin = subwrd(rec,11)
zmax = subwrd(rec,13)
zvar = "varying"
zval = subwrd(rec,9)
zvar = "fixed"
rec = sublin(result,3)
if (subwrd(rec,3) = "varying")
ymin = subwrd(rec,11)
ymax = subwrd(rec,13)
yvar = "varying"
latminv = subwrd(rec,6)
latmaxv = subwrd(rec,8)
yval = subwrd(rec,9)
yvar = "fixed"
rec = sublin(result,2)
if (subwrd(rec,3) = "varying")
xmin = subwrd(rec,11)
xmax = subwrd(rec,13)
xvar = "varying"
lonminv = subwrd(rec,6)
lonmaxv = subwrd(rec,8)
xval = subwrd(rec,9)
xvar = "fixed"
"q gxinfo" ;* and get the page coords
line = sublin(result,3) ;* of the most recent plot
xl = subwrd(line,4)
xr = subwrd(line,6)
line = sublin(result,4)
yb = subwrd(line,4)
yt = subwrd(line,6)
"set gxout stat" ;* get all possible lat/lon
"d qs_lat" ;* labels for this plot
line = sublin(result,3)
lonmin = subwrd(line,4)
lonmax = subwrd(line,6)
line = sublin(result,4)
latmin = subwrd(line,4)
latmax = subwrd(line,6)
line = sublin(result,9)
latlabmin = subwrd(line,5)
latlabmax = subwrd(line,6)
latlabint = subwrd(line,7)
"d qs_lon"
*say result
line = sublin(result,9)
lonlabmin = subwrd(line,5) ;* if (lonlabmin > 180) ; lonlabmin = lonlabmin - 360 ; endif
lonlabmax = subwrd(line,6) ;* if (lonlabmax > 180) ; lonlabmax = lonlabmax - 360 ; endif
lonshift = 0
if (lonlabmin > 180 & lonlabmax > 180)
lonshift = 1
lonlabmin = lonlabmin - 360
lonlabmax = lonlabmax - 360
lonlabint = subwrd(line,7)
a = 0 ;* and count these labels
latlabnum = (latlabmax - latlabmin) / latlabint + 0.5
while (a <= latlabnum)
latlab.a = latlabmin + a * latlabint
a = a + 1
a = 0
lonlabnum = (lonlabmax - lonlabmin) / lonlabint + 0.5
while (a <= lonlabnum)
lonlab.a = lonlabmin + a * lonlabint
a = a + 1
"set x "lonmin" "lonmax ;* first compute a tick shift
"set y "latmin
"define tmplats=qs_lat"
"define tmplons=qs_lon"
"set gxout value"
"set x "lonmin
"d tmplats"
lata = subwrd(result,4)
"d tmplons"
lona = subwrd(result,4)
"set x "lonmax
"d tmplats"
latb = subwrd(result,4)
"d tmplons"
lonb = subwrd(result,4)
shift = -delta * (lata - latb) / (lona - lonb)
if (bottom = 1)
"set x "lonmin" "lonmax ;* then isolate a row/column
"set y "latmin
"define tmp=qs_lon"
"set string 1 c"
a = 0 ;* and for each label find the
while (a <= lonlabnum) ;* closest visible position
index.a = 0
b = lonmin
while (b < lonmax)
"set x "b
"d tmp"
tmpa = subwrd(result,4) ; if (tmpa > 180 & lonshift = 1) ; tmpa = tmpa - 360 ; endif
"set x "b+1
"d tmp"
tmpb = subwrd(result,4) ; if (tmpb > 180 & lonshift = 1) ; tmpb = tmpb - 360 ; endif
if (lonlab.a >= tmpa & lonlab.a < tmpb)
index.a = b + (lonlab.a - tmpa) / (tmpb - tmpa)
b = b + 1
if (index.a > lonmin & index.a < lonmax)
xpos = xl + (xr - xl) * (index.a - lonmin) / (lonmax - lonmin)
"draw line "xpos" "yb" "xpos+shift" "yb-delta
if (lonlab.a > 180) ; lonlab.a = lonlab.a - 360 ; endif
if (lonlab.a < 0) ; tmplab = -lonlab.a"W" ; endif ; if (lonlab.a = -180) ; tmplab = -lonlab.a ; endif
if (lonlab.a > 0) ; tmplab = lonlab.a"E" ; endif ; if (lonlab.a = 180) ; tmplab = lonlab.a ; endif
if (lonlab.a = 0) ; tmplab = lonlab.a ; endif
"draw string "xpos" "yb-2*delta" "tmplab
a = a + dela
if (top = 1)
"set x "lonmin" "lonmax ;* then isolate a row/column
"set y "latmax
"define tmp=qs_lon"
"set string 1 c"
a = 0 ;* and for each label find the
while (a <= lonlabnum) ;* closest visible position
index.a = 0
b = lonmin
while (b < lonmax)
"set x "b
"d tmp"
tmpa = subwrd(result,4) ; if (tmpa > 180 & lonshift = 1) ; tmpa = tmpa - 360 ; endif
"set x "b+1
"d tmp"
tmpb = subwrd(result,4) ; if (tmpb > 180 & lonshift = 1) ; tmpb = tmpb - 360 ; endif
if (lonlab.a >= tmpa & lonlab.a < tmpb)
index.a = b + (lonlab.a - tmpa) / (tmpb - tmpa)
b = b + 1
if (index.a > lonmin & index.a < lonmax)
xpos = xl + (xr - xl) * (index.a - lonmin) / (lonmax - lonmin)
"draw line "xpos" "yt" "xpos-shift" "yt+delta
if (lonlab.a > 180) ; lonlab.a = lonlab.a - 360 ; endif
if (lonlab.a < 0) ; tmplab = -lonlab.a"W" ; endif ; if (lonlab.a = -180) ; tmplab = -lonlab.a ; endif
if (lonlab.a > 0) ; tmplab = lonlab.a"E" ; endif ; if (lonlab.a = 180) ; tmplab = lonlab.a ; endif
if (lonlab.a = 0) ; tmplab = lonlab.a ; endif
"draw string "xpos" "yt+2*delta" "tmplab
a = a + dela
if (left = 1)
"set x "lonmin ;* then isolate a row/column
"set y "latmin" "latmax
"define tmp=qs_lat"
"set string 1 r"
a = 0 ;* and for each label find the
while (a <= latlabnum) ;* closest visible position
index.a = 0
b = latmin
while (b < latmax)
"set y "b
"d tmp"
tmpa = subwrd(result,4)
"set y "b+1
"d tmp"
tmpb = subwrd(result,4)
if (latlab.a >= tmpa & latlab.a < tmpb)
index.a = b + (latlab.a - tmpa) / (tmpb - tmpa)
b = b + 1
if (index.a > latmin & index.a < latmax)
ypos = yb + (yt - yb) * (index.a - latmin) / (latmax - latmin)
"draw line "xl" "ypos" "xl-delta" "ypos-shift
if (latlab.a < 0) ; tmplab = -latlab.a"S" ; endif
if (latlab.a > 0) ; tmplab = latlab.a"N" ; endif
if (latlab.a = 0) ; tmplab = latlab.a ; endif
"draw string "xl-1.25*delta" "ypos-shift" "tmplab
a = a + dela
if (right = 1)
"set x "lonmax ;* then isolate a row/column
"set y "latmin" "latmax
"define tmp=qs_lat"
"set string 1 l"
a = 0 ;* and for each label find the
while (a <= latlabnum) ;* closest visible position
index.a = 0
b = latmin
while (b < latmax)
"set y "b
"d tmp"
tmpa = subwrd(result,4)
"set y "b+1
"d tmp"
tmpb = subwrd(result,4)
if (latlab.a >= tmpa & latlab.a < tmpb)
index.a = b + (latlab.a - tmpa) / (tmpb - tmpa)
b = b + 1
if (index.a > latmin & index.a < latmax)
ypos = yb + (yt - yb) * (index.a - latmin) / (latmax - latmin)
"draw line "xr" "ypos" "xr+delta" "ypos+shift
if (latlab.a > 0) ; tmplab = latlab.a"N" ; endif
if (latlab.a < 0) ; tmplab = -latlab.a"S" ; endif
if (latlab.a = 0) ; tmplab = latlab.a ; endif
"draw string "xr+1.25*delta" "ypos+shift" "tmplab
a = a + dela
"set gxout contour" ;* reset the original view
if (tvar = "varying")
"set t "tmin" "tmax
"set t "tval
if (zvar = "varying")
"set z "zmin" "zmax
"set z "zval
if (yvar = "varying")
"set y "ymin" "ymax
"set y "yval
if (xvar = "varying")
"set x "xmin" "xmax
"set x "xval
* "set x "index.a
* "d tmp"
* say lonlab.a" is closest to "subwrd(result,4)" at index "index.a
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