[gradsusr] converting variable to string

Laura Zamboni lzamboni at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Aug 12 14:28:17 EDT 2014


how can I convert a grads variable to a string within a script? What I'd 
like to do is the following:
'define par=10'
'print filename_value<par>.eps'
in which I'd like to see the value "10" in lieu of <par>


My research and why I got to Argonne curious?

Laura Zamboni, PhD
Computational Postdoctoral Fellow - Climate Scientist
Board member of the Postdoctoral Society of Argonne - Chair of the PSA mentoring committee
Argonne National Laboratory, MCS Division
9700 S.Cass Ave
TCS Bldg #240, room 4152
Argonne, IL 60439
ph.+1 630-252-1131
fax. +1 630-252-5986
web: http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~lzamboni/

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