[gradsusr] printim particles traj

Martin V. Mathew vmartinmathew at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 11:14:45 EST 2013

Hi Antonella

The GrADS script can be modified to read coordinate data from this text
file also. Here beginning of each block can be identified by looking for
texts such as ' meanLon meanLat'
or 'id lon lat state age orientation'
Once such text are identified, the required data can be read based on their
position relative to the previously identified text.

Do you want to plot only the mean position at each time or the position of
all the particles?

On 15 November 2013 16:16, <antonia.dimaio at cnr.it> wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> I can use the text file such as you sent to me but I don't know to tweak
> your script, because in my file there are block of coordinate. In other
> words, at each time step a new block of coordinates are disponible; I have
> to plot each block with a different color. Please, find in attach the
> file.out (it is the originary file for the file.ctl,dat,map sent in my
> precedent email
> I hope you can help me, I find that really very hard
> Thank you
> Antonella
> "Martin V. Mathew" <vmartinmathew at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>  Hi Antonella,
>> The script I sent you earlier reads coordinates of the trajectory from
>> text
>> files. An example of such a text file is attached with this mail
>> (longitude
>> in first column and latitude in second column). The script uses functions
>> subline and subword to read data from the text files. Such functions are
>> not required read data when the data is in binary station data format.
>> The script I sent you earlier will not require extensive modification if
>> the trajectory data can be written in text file similar to the attached
>> one
>> (you may have to add a third column for time). I can help you If you find
>> it very hard to tweak the script.
>> regards
>> martin
>> On 14 November 2013 19:45, <antonia.dimaio at cnr.it> wrote:
>>  Hi
>>> I d0n' know whi but the command 'printim' doesn't work. Can be a lib
>>> problem?
>>> Anyway, I tried to mofify a script sent to me by Martin to plot track
>>> cyclone and so I could produce a image output.eps.
>>> The question now is that this layout is just the final image of the
>>> tracking while I want produce an image for eache timestep.
>>>   Martin open a netcdf file while I have a ctl file (map and dat,
>>> too). How can I modify the following part of the script to read my ctl
>>> file? I don't know how use subline and subwrd functions to find lat
>>> and lon using a ctl file
>>> Thank you very much!!
>>> Antonella
>>> *===========================================================
>>> ================
>>> * 9) Plotting cyclone tracks
>>> *===========================================================
>>> ================
>>> dta1=trkNo
>>> dta=0
>>> while(dta1>0)
>>> dta=dta+1
>>> *dtaFile=InFile2Prt%trkFile.dta
>>> dtaFile=datum1.ctl
>>> say 'reading from file 'dtaFile
>>> res=read(dtaFile) ;* skipping first line of cyclone track data file
>>> say 'title line 'res
>>> rows=trk1.dta
>>> res=read (dtaFile);* Reading first lat lon points
>>> anslin2=sublin(res,2)
>>> say 'second row ' res
>>> lonpt1=subwrd (anslin2,1)
>>> latpt1=subwrd (anslin2,2)
>>> 'q w2xy 'lonpt1' 'latpt1
>>> *'q w2xy 100 28' will give result as 'X = 6.22321  Y = 8.08214'
>>> * 'x1 = subwrd(result,3)', will take '6.22321', which is in 3rd
>>> position in 'result'
>>> * and save it in 'x1'
>>> x1=subwrd(result,3)
>>> y1=subwrd(result,6)
>>> while(rows>1)
>>> res=read (dtaFile)
>>>   anslin2=sublin(res,2)
>>> lonpt2=subwrd (anslin2,1)
>>> latpt2=subwrd (anslin2,2)
>>> 'q w2xy 'lonpt2' 'latpt2
>>> x2=subwrd(result,3)
>>> y2=subwrd(result,6)
>>> 'set line 'LnClr' 'LnStyl;*set line color# <style> <thickness>
>>> 'draw line 'x1' 'y1' 'x2' 'y2
>>> My ctl file is following (I want plot the variabel 'age'):
>>> dset   datum1.dat
>>> dtype  station
>>> stnmap datum1.map
>>> undef  -999.0
>>> title  PIW-6
>>> tdef   85 linear 23:57z11jul2013 30mn
>>> vars   3
>>> sta 0 99 State
>>> age 0 99 Age
>>> ort 0 99 Orientation
>>> endvars
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>> --
>> Martin V. Mathew
>> Research scholar
>> Centre for Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences (CORAL)
>> IIT Kharagpur
>> India.
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Martin V. Mathew
Research scholar
Centre for Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences (CORAL)
IIT Kharagpur
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