[gradsusr] "Entire grid undefined" with .grib2 -problems withdescriptor file

Nicolás Rivaben nrivaben at smn.gov.ar
Fri Nov 8 13:03:01 EST 2013

I used -0.5 like missing data indicator (Met Office), but still the  
same dialog box. Could be an other problem? The Product Definition  



"Ling,Alister [Edm]" <Alister.Ling at EC.gc.ca> escribió:

> Probably not what your problem is, but thought I would raise it  
> since it happened to me:
> Some variables, like ice pellets occurrence is 1 for yes, and  
> undefined for no, so if there are no ice pellets, you get an entire  
> grid undefined. In those cases you need to specify to change  
> undefined to say -9999 then when you shade grid boxes, it counts as  
> ( < 1).
> Alister.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org  
> [mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] On Behalf Of Nicolás Rivaben
> Sent: October 8, 2013 11:19 AM
> To: gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> Subject: [gradsusr] "Entire grid undefined" with .grib2 -problems  
> withdescriptor file
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm working on the WAFS implementation. The system requires .grib2  
> files. I get work, but I have some trouble with the CAT files.
> I generated a .ctl file with Gribtoctl program and  ran gribmap. But  
> when I executed the GrADS, its showed a "entire grid undefined"  
> dialog box. I do anything, but still the same dialog box.
> Is .ctl file creating problems? Or the .grib2 files? Where can I  
> download .ctl files?
> Thanks for yout attention,
> Regards,
> --
> Nicolás Rivaben.-
> Departamento de Meteorología Aeronáutica - Gerencia de Servicios a la
> Comunidad-
> Servicio Meteorológico Nacional -SMN-
> 25 de Mayo 658 - C1002ABN - Ciudad de Buenos Aires -Argentina-
> +54 11 5167 6767 (int. 18235)
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dset ^20131107_1200f06.grib2
index ^20131107_1200f06.idx
options little_endian 
undef -0.5
title WIFS CAT data
dtype grib2
options yrev 
xdef 288 linear 0.0 1.25
ydef 145 linear -90.0 1.25
tdef 1 linear 12z07nov2013 3hr
zdef 1 levels 150
*zdef 6 levels 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
vars 12

mcat150  0,100,15000    0,19,22,0,3   Mean CAT 150hPa
xcat150  0,100,15000    0,19,22,2,3   Max CAT 150hPa
mcat200  0,100,20000    0,19,22,0,3   Mean CAT 200hPa
xcat200  0,100,20000    0,19,22,2,3   Max CAT 200hPa
mcat250  0,100,25000    0,19,22,0,3   Mean CAT 250hPa
xcat250  0,100,25000    0,19,22,2,3   Max CAT 250hPa
mcat300  0,100,30000    0,19,22,0,3   Mean CAT 300hPa
xcat300  0,100,30000    0,19,22,2,3   Max CAT 300hPa
mcat350  0,100,35000    0,19,22,0,3   Mean CAT 350hPa
xcat350  0,100,35000    0,19,22,2,3   Max CAT 350hPa
mcat400  0,100,40000    0,19,22,0,3   Mean CAT 400hPa
xcat400  0,100,40000    0,19,22,2,3   Max CAT 400hPa
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